Truth Spoken Here

Here’s a brief video of a man speaking the absolute truth on the topic of slavery grievance:

I should point out that this appeared on one of the reprehensible Piers Morgan’s TV shows, but as said asshole doesn’t say anything during the clip, that’s not important.  As for the actual comment:


  1. Words that should be listened to, but won’t be by our “enlightened betters”.

    1. I think they know it, but they won’t say anything so we can figure it out for ourselves, because it is valuable to them that we stay divided, angry and broke.

  2. The people pushing for slavery reparations are the same ones that want to enslave all of us to the government.

    1. Absolutely top notch intellect and absolutely unapologetic in defense of Western Civilization, Douglas Murray truly is a treasure.

  3. The day for reparations has been over by about 150 years in the united states. Anyone demanding reparations deserves nothing less than a knuckle sandwich.

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