1. Somebody needs to comment here, I am an old man and remember what we used to call the ‘Soft Blondes’, beautiful lovely women who felt so fine when they were cuddled and all the other stuff. I came in contact with a few of them in the olden days and they were like a fine wine, rather delicate and like a rare orchid they required a lot of tender loving care. Of course for the long haul perhaps not so good but oh, my goodness they were fun for a little bit.

  2. Here’s my story of a slight brush with the late Stella Stevens. I don’t recall if it was late 1972 or early 1973, but I remember watching the local news and hearing that Stella Stevens was, for some reason, visiting my city, Colorado Springs. I was 13 at the time and my family decided to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. There, in the primate house, was SS with two or three men looking at the monkeys. They didn’t stay long, and all I remember of her was seeing her face and that she was wearing a fur coat (it gets cold around Cheyenne Mountain in the winter). In one of life’s little ironies, the very night before the family all went to see a movie starring Jim Brown and Stella Stevens called “Slaughter.” The only memorable scene for me was when SS appeared topless. Oy! (Hey, I was 13 and just hitting puberty.)

    Stella Stevens was a beautiful woman and a worthy pick to be featured, Kim. Spasibah.

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