News Roundup

Finally, a few Good News! items:

...more like this, please.

...especially with breakfast, as I’ve always maintained.  That said, I’m not exactly sold on the benefits of living another thirty-odd years.  And:

...just waitin’ for that Fort Sumter Moment.

...of course, that headline’s an outright lie.  Bitch got got busted for forgery (the actual charge).  Still, jailing “climate activists”, whatever the reason, is a worthy activity [sic].

...and in Massachusetts, even.

But back to the usual Catalog Of Catastrophes:

...we know all that, Ted.  Question is:  what are YOU going to do about it?

...and here’s a good example of where to start.  And then here:

...gosh, if only someone had written a book about this over a decade ago.

In International Affairs:

...well, we all know the Pals are crazier than rats on PCP.

In Showbiz News:

...”wealthy Black men” would be my first guess.

...although I don’t think that’s quite the “piling on” the old perv envisaged.

...leading to the brilliant British definition of an “influencer”:  “A mouthy cunt on Instagram.”

And among the irrelevancies known to us all as INSIGNIFICA:

  ...and once again, if you actually understand any of that, you need to get a life.

In Sporting News:

...the official NCAA line being:  “You can’t get rich by exploiting your bodies;  only we can get rich by exploiting your bodies.”  And speaking of bodies:

...who she, you ask?

So, back from Amalfi to our dreary reality, thus endeth Da Nooz.


  1. Last time I looked, the biggest operating cost of air travel is fuel, and the amount of that used depends directly on weight carried. In the name of genuine equity and fairness, I wish the airlines would charge by the pound of passenger plus baggage times some factor for number of takeoffs and miles traveled.

    I’m tired of fat slobs hiding behind the euphemism ‘plus size.’ There is considerable distance between genuinely big (plus sized) people and morbidly obese mountains of fat.
    She can damned well save up for airfare by eating less, and meantime, pay for two seats or a first class seat, if even that will accommodate Her Jabbaness.

  2. How about a gin review or two? It’s not just for breakfast anymore, you know.

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