The Tightening Spiral

Bear with me while a gather all sorts of straws, political, social and policy.  Some will have links you can follow, most won’t because you’d have to have been in a coma not to have seen them.

So Government — our own and furriners’ both — have all sorts of rules they wish to impose on us (and from here on I’m going to use “they” to describe them, just for reasons of brevity and laziness — but we all know who “they” are).  Let’s start with one, pretty much picked at random.

They want to end sales of vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, and make us all switch to electric-powered ones.  Leaving aside the fact that as far as the trucking industry is concerned, this can never happen no matter how massive the regulation, we all know that this is not going to happen (explanation, as if any were needed, is here).  But to add to the idiocy, they have imposed all sorts of unrealistic, nonsensical and impossible deadlines to all of this, because:

There isn’t enough electricity — and won’t be enough electricity, ever — to power their future of universal electric car usage.  Why is that?  Well, for one thing, they hate nuclear power (based on outdated 1970s-era fears), are closing existing ones and will not allow new ones to be built by dint of strangling environmental regulation (passed because of said 1970s-era fears).  Then, to add to that, they have forced the existing electricity supply to become unstable by insisting on unreliable and variable generation sources such as solar and wind power.  Of course, existing fuel sources such as oil. coal and natural gas are also being phased out because they are “dirty” (they aren’t, in the case of natgas, and as far as oil and coal are concerned, much much less so than in decades past) — but as with nuclear power, the rules are being drawn up as though old technologies are still being used (they aren’t, except in the Third World / China — which is another whole essay in itself).  And if people want to generate their own electricity?  Silly rabbits: US Agency Advances New Rule Targeting Portable Gas-Powered Generators. (It’s a poxy paywall, but the headline says it all, really.)

So how is this pixie dust “new” electricity to be stored?  Why, in batteries, of course — to be specific, in lithium batteries which are so far the most efficient storage medium.  The only problem, of course, is that lithium needs to be mined (a really dirty industry) and even assuming there are vast reserves of lithium, the number of batteries needed to power a universe of cars is exponentially larger than the small number of batteries available — but that means MOAR MINING which means MOAR DIRTY.  And given how dirty mining is, that would be a problem, yes?

No.  Because — wait for it — they will limit lithium mining, also by regulation, by enforcing recycling (where have we heard this before?) and by reducing battery size.

Now take all the above into consideration, and see where this is going.  Reduced power supply, reduced power consumption, reduced fuel supply:  a tightening spiral, which leads to my final question:


If there’s one thing we know, it’s that increased pressure without escape mechanisms will eventually cause explosion.  It’s true in physics, it’s true in nature and it’s true, lest we forget, in humanity.

Volcanoes erupt when the pressure of expanding gas and magma becomes too much for the Earth’s crust to prevent.  The English once executed their king because his rule became too tyrannical to bear.  (Side note:  when the Cromwellian republic also became too tyrannical, they brought back the kingdom, but the next king was a much gentler and more controllable one than his father was.)

Here’s the historical truism when it comes to tyranny, and it’s true for all totalitarian regimes:

Totalitarian states suppress their peoples and impose misery on them.  When the people rebel against that suppression and misery, the State uses that as an excuse to suppress them yet further, and increase the misery thereby.

But at some point the dictator will be executed, the soviet will be cast out (by force if necessary), and the walls will be brought down.

Sic semper tyrannis.

I just hope I’m still alive to see that day, to help reload the machine guns, and to hold the coats of the gunners while refilling their tray of martinis.


  1. The problem is is that you are looking for logic in an illogical gov’t society. I think it was Rand that said something about eventually there will be so many laws that none of them will be valid because they invalidate each other.

    You can see this same pattern across the board with all things gov’t now. This is the natural result when an institution is founded on, and funded by, criminality – massive theft. And out of control over the top lying.

    I can’t offer a solution or an explanation for none is available. The only thing I can suggest is that for right thinking people to do their best to isolate themselves from the masses and become as self sufficient as possible. With each passing day all of this stuff is getting worse and there is probably nothing anyone can do to change that. Maybe it’s that 250 year cycle?

  2. I had a similar discussion with a very liberal niece some time back. When I pointed out that the numbers just didn’t work she replied that “engineers always want to tell you why they can’t do something.” Then she expressed the magic fairy dust belief that said “if we pass laws that force them to do something, they’ll figure out a way to do it.”

    At which point I suggested that Congress pass a law rendering gravity null and void. There is an inexhaustible supply of hot air out there for balloons but only the Chinese and the guys in Albuquerque have figured that out. She failed to see the humor in my idea.

    1. I’m an engineer who spent a career in industrial R&D. It was my experience that engineers, being very practical folks, dropped many otherwise enticing projects when, based on experimental results, we heard Mother Nature say “No”. We did this because our employers’ ability to pay us was strongly related to our being successful in developing things that worked well enough to turn a profit.

      However, being human practical folks, if someone wants to pay us lavishly to waste time, there will be a fraction of us who will take that job also. Solyndra, a company that burned through $535 million of government (i.e., our) money before declaring bankruptcy, was staffed.


    They locked us down just fine, didn’t they?

    “We” behaved like little sheep, stayed home, wore the masks, followed their idiot rules. Hell, I have people in a martial arts class–one where we smack each other with large bits of steel (15th century sword fighting) who bleat and run go get a booster every time someone comes down with the WuFlu because CNN claims it’s “science”.

    So they think we’ll take the demanded reduced quality of life because it’s “good for us”.

    > I just hope I’m still alive to see that day,

    Spend a little bit more time exercising, and you might be. It doesn’t look like it’ll be all that much longer.

    > and to hold the coats of the gunners while refilling their tray of martinis.

    Shoot first THEN drink. Otherwise you waste ammo.

    1. They locked us down just fine, didn’t they?
      Not exactly. It really depended on where you lived.

      I can tell you that in Louisiana it didn’t go as quite as John Bell planned; in fact, he held a press conference complaining that the cell phone meta data showed that people were traveling and gathering far more than he liked.

      1. Out here in the wind-blown wilderness of The Silver State, quite a few of us said to the wind that the Governor was an Idiot, and he could take his masks and stay-at-home orders and put them where the Sun Don’t Shine.

  4. So when exactly does Commie season open up and are there daily bag limits? Asking for liberty minded friends


    1. As soon as there’s a who is charismatic enough, has a reasonable plan for what comes next, and can rapidly build an organization that can’t be compromised by the FBI.

      Trump is none of those.

      Desantis is charismatic enough, but is too wedded to the existing system.

      Note that I’m not saying anything about their potential as president, I’m just saying that most of us aren’t just going to start shooting commies because some messianic figure says that the promised land is right around the corner.

      The other option is that there’s some sort of Jan 6 like event where one side or the other starts shooting, and the Feds use that as an excuse to start “taking guns off the streets”. Then this place will look like a cross between the Balkans and Dresden.

      Shooting commies is a *bad* outcome. The only worse outcome is letting them take over and shoot us.

  5. Here’s the story on generators without a paywall.

    And from the article:

    ‘Buyer pointed to a Louisiana incident, reported by the news organizations, following Hurricane Ida in 2021: A woman and her two children were killed by carbon monoxide from a portable generator that was placed outside, with the exhaust inches from their back door and pointing inside.

    The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association has disputed that the device was at fault, saying the user did not appear to have followed warning label instructions. Harding later said one of the labels on the machine directed users to point “engine exhaust away from occupied structures.” ‘

    Stupid is, as stupid does.
    People have run their generators INSIDE THEIR HOMES, or in their attached garages WITH THE GARAGE DOOR CLOSED.
    The sarcastic part of me says that this is just Darwinism in action.

  6. Aw, com’on, no bag limits, please ?!
    You don’t have bag limits for other vermin, so ……………………………….
    On a more serious note – I have never seen this stated any more succinctly,
    apologies if I have used this here before and finally, credit to the original
    author whose name I no longer have.
    Regarding our betters, primarily politicians, the majority of whom could not care less about this country and/or its citizens but are completely driven
    by their quest for more power AND lucre despite the fact that they CANNOT ‘take it with them’, to wit, the Biden ‘family’ !
    As to the path we’re going down –
    Quote –
    ‘You have to bear in mind that these people really
    are very ignorant in the most straightforward sense of the word.
    They know little beyond that which is needed to succeed within
    the(ir) political system; a general understanding of e.g. history,
    politics, economics (let alone science and technology, or mathematics)
    is far beyond them.’

    ‘They believe the things they do not only because they know
    so little, but have actively avoided learning any more.
    They blunder blindly on, attempting to fit the ugly feet
    of their beliefs into the glass slippers of reality.’

  7. A few months ago, I read a statement by the actor/smart guy James Woods. When asked why he had largely removed himself from the public eye after years of being the most open conservative in Hollywood, he simply answered, “I have a nice life, I’m going to live it.”

    That’s the thunderclap I needed. I fought the good fight for more than 50 years, but I’m tired of being angry. I won’t waste another thought on politics or culture, or anything not related to me and my own. If there’s a tipping point and things get sporty, well, I’m ready for that. Otherwise, since I may not be around for a long time, I’m here for a good time.

    Be the Gray Man.

  8. “There isn’t enough electricity — and won’t be enough electricity, ever — to power their future of universal electric car usage.”

    And there you’re wrong.
    Because in their future the number of vehicles will be MUCH lower than it is today, basically only government agencies will use vehicles.
    The 15 minute city doesn’t require anything coming in or going out beyond walking distance, so no need for cars or trucks.
    And as you’re not going to have a need (or indeed permission) to leave that 15 minute city you’re not going anywhere.

    Obviously that entire idea is preposterous, where’s the food going to come from alone is a question they can’t answer beyond “rooftop greenhouses” and “zero waste economy”, but that isn’t going to change their mind.

      1. Depopulation has been the greenies’ plan all along, since at least the 1970s.
        They’ve always been funded by the left, and now have merged with them openly.

        Only thing the different groups disagree on is how to achieve it and what percentage of mankind needs to die (and of course little details on which sectors of society are the first on the chopping block).

        Had a colleague who was overjoyed when the high death rate among early covid victims was published, he was convinced that finally ‘Mother Earth’ was ‘starting to clean up and get rid of humans’ (while obviously sure that he, as a true environmentalists, would be immune from ‘Nature’s Wrath’ and survive.

        1. Paraphrasing the Comic POGO, “people concerned about the birthrate have already been born”

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