News Roundup

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...guess that ol’ stun gun just wasn’t fully charged, huh?

...well, that’s just a vile slander against all those world-famous Black mathematicians… wait, ummm...  the Serbians should have executed him first, and then the Brits shouldn’t have let him into their country.  This was a fuckup so huge that multiple governments had to be involved.

...simple mistake being that he visited Australia in the first place.

...welcome to our world, geek assholes. “Don’t be evil” was a lie from the very beginning.

...only two?  You’re a tough man, Sundance.

...also, rice.  And white sugar, and white toilet paper, and, and, and... let’s not forget white-as-paper Norwegian academics.

...the original album wasn’t blasphemous enough, you see. the way, Eatzi’s food markets in Dallas and Plano have been doing this for well over 20 years.

From the Dept. Of Priapism:

...wait, 57 and still raping?  I’m thinking “over-achiever”, unless there’s a megaton of Viagra involved.

...wait:  you got into a limo with a violent guy who made his living by beating other violent men half to death, and now you want to score 5 mill as a reward for your stupidity, three decades later?

And speaking of ancient history:

...lemme guess:  you had absolutely no idea there would be lots of sex at Hef’s place.  And you were also forced into the limo that took you there, thirty years ago.

Now, from our Nostradamus Dept. (no links, because):

  …and...the latter being more likely to be accurate.

      ...missed it by THIS much.
...serves you right for marrying Lady Gaga, mate.

Finally, from our Sports Desk (via longtime contributor Sean F.):

Mikayla Demaiter, who used to play in the Professional Women’s Hockey League as a goaltender, has had a successful career transition, and she was forced into it.  Demaiter had to give up the game of hockey in 2019 after she suffered a knee injury that ended her career.

Hockey’s loss is our gain, methinks:

Cold shower, then off to work.

Monday Funnies

No prizes for guessing which one is Monday and which one is me in this cheerful little scenario.


Looking at his “grouping”, the dude needs to order a lot more pizzas.

Now let me be the first to celebrate February:


And on that topic:

Now get on with yer week.  That AR-15 isn’t gonna shoot all by itself, no matter what the Left thinks.

Gentler Clothing

The other day, I caught a glimpse of Hot Mommy Christine McGuinness:

…and yes, she’s very sexy and has lovely legs, fine breastworks and all that.

But those clothes:  aren’t they a little too hard for a woman who’s not going to some dominatrix costume party?

Am I the only man who prefers women to be a little more feminine, and who misses the days when Laura Ashley was the designer of choice, with whites, pastels and soft floral prints?

And the style can carry through to nighties, too:

Was there ever a man whose heart would not beat a little faster when seeing that clothing in his bedroom?

Damn Fucking Bloody Shit

As Regular Readers know full well, my website has been ill-treating comments (or attempts at commenting) like lions having a buffalo breakfast:

Net result is that nobody, least of all me, is happy about this.

So here’s what’s going to happen.

Over the next couple or so weeks, Tech Support II is going to rebuild this website and its functions on one of his own NSA-capacity servers.  This will take place when he’s not fighting the forces of evil and ineptitude (i.e. his regular paying job) and can devote some of his valuable free time to the rebuild.  When the time comes, we’ll all get a couple days’ warning, and then he’s going to flip a switch and migrate this whole back porch over to its new digs.

Some content — mostly, it should be said, all the comment-related toxicity — may disappear into the Intarwebz Black Hole never to be seen again. which means that there is a possibility that y’all may have to re-register, or maybe not, we’ll see.

Then all will be well:  unicorns running wild in the streets, winning lottery tickets for everybody and a massive, collective and fatal heart attack will strike dead all governmental swamp denizens.  (Hey, we can all dream, right?)

Either TSII or I will keep everybody posted as to progress as, if and when it occurs.


Update from TSII:  No need to re-register for the folks. The worst case is a couple of hours of comments getting lost in the move.