‘Twas Ever Thus

Via Ace:

  • A non-Apple hardware site reviews Apple’s Mac Studio. (Hot Hardware)They do like it, but if you go to page two you can see a PC configured at the same $2000 price point simply wipes the floor with the Mac. Yes, the Mac Studio is small and elegant and quiet and sips power, but it’s fast only in two specific cases: When compared with out-of-date Apple hardware, and when tested on Apple proprietary video codecs.

Yeah, Apple has always tilted the playing field when it comes to processing speed and overall performance.

I’ll never forget being the only PC user in a Mac-obsessed company (I should have known about that before I joined, because it was an IT company).  Time after time I’d send a data report to someone, only to be told that their little Mac toy had choked on all the data — and this was when I was using a PC 386 with a 450MB hard drive, FFS.

Right now, of course, I could probably get away with using a Mac, seeing as most of what I do is this blog and searching for guns, smut and cars on Teh Intarwebz, but I’m too old and impatient to change.  (And for those who think I hate Apple unreasonably, allow me to point out that my very first personal computer was an Apple IIe — then the top of the line — and it couldn’t handle even one of my small spreadsheets — in VisiCalc — without choking.  As soon as I could, I swapped it for an IBM PC — yes, pre-AT even — and it handled the same spreadsheet without blinking.  I never went back.)

That disparity in performance has never changed.

News Roundup

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So here we plummet, into the fiery news.

so basically, you’re telling me that I can have more pricks than Madonna on an average Saturday night, and still get the ‘Rona?

because that’s exactly what they’re doing.

From the Dept. Of Cultural Assimilation (European Division):


on the bright side, they could have done it to goats, just like in the Old Country.

as long as we can reclassify “exterminating asshole politicians like you” as “sporting”, I’m cool with that.

my first purchase when this actually happens:

I guess “no man should” has turned into “no man will”.

actually, we don’t trust him to handle a rubber ducky in the bathtub.

reclassify them as “assault knives”:  that should workNext up for the goblins:  scythes.

he’d never be convicted for that Over Here because to Americans, most Brit men look like rentboys anyway:


I’m not surprised;  she’s been impersonating a singer for years.

COPS have released the mugshots of more than 30 alleged Patriot Front members who were arrested at a Pride event
now let’s play “Spot The FBI Provocateurs”.  I figure about eight, but I’m probably undercounting.

1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 17, 27 and 30.



mango?  lemongrass?  FFS, all you need is a slice of lemon and/or lime, and even that’s optional.

Anyway, now on to the real news:


And without the yellow dress, in earlier times:


And that’s all the news fit to look at.

Not Even Close

Go ahead and ask me again why I prefer the old over the new.

Or you can watch this video, where two youngins discover in turn the joys of yesteryear, where the old doesn’t have any of the modern geegaws, bells, whistles and safety features, but is still — after well over forty years — the better experience.

You can thank me later.

A Rose By Any Other Name

Mrs. TrueBrit sends me this snippet with the question:  “What does this even say?  Is it a shagfest, or what?”

Everyone’s talking about: The summer of sex parties

You mean orgies?

No. This isn’t Ancient Greece. In 2022 it’s a sex party and it’s all about choice.

Why am I suddenly reading so much about sex parties?

Because they’re having a huge post-pandemic renaissance. A recent headline in the New York Post screamed: ‘NYC ready for threesomes, sex parties after disappointing hot vax summer.’ The intellectual reading of the situation is that we’ve had months of lockdowns in which to reach a deeper understanding and acceptance of our sexuality. The less lofty (but possibly more accurate) viewpoint is that sex has been in short supply and now it’s back on the menu we’re really going for it.

Well, this is what comes from reading crapfests like You Magazine, which contains articles such as “The ultimate guide to crystals (and the celebrities that love them)”, “Piers Morgan has been voted the nation’s number one celebrity crush” (Jesus wept) and “Where to travel in 2022, according to your star sign”.

By the way, NYC is more like Ancient Rome, not Greece — and by that, I mean Rome in the months during the barbarian invasion, where the legions weren’t defending the city because there was no longer any public money to pay their salaries.

If that doesn’t sound familiar, you must be a Socialist.

And for Mrs. Truebrit:  a “sex party” is indeed an orgy, no matter how much they try to redefine it.