
Okay, here’s the story of the film so far.  New Wife is safely at home with her #1 Son’s family.

I am safely at home in Plano, minus the cost of a roundtrip DFW-SYD airfare and visa application cost, as well as a Qantas seat-selection fee, seat of course never having been used.

Motherfucker.  I think I’ll go to the river nearby, find an angry cottonmouth snake and bite its fucking head off.


  1. Dang! And here I thought you were both coming this a way seeing MI has the last flying Ford Trimotor.

    In any event, glad to hear your lass made it to destination intact mentally and physically. Having 40 years of visiting OZ from USA, can’t say it is a route one “enjoys” unless there are stops in Hawaii and Tahiti in between (that was first flight route, after that aircraft gained longer range – drat!).

    1. Fortunately for us aviation buffs, your statement about the last flying Ford Trimotor is incorrect. The Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum in Hood River, OR recently came into possession of a flying Trimotor. I think they got it from a museum in Arizona. I happened to be there shortly after it arrived and got to speak with a couple of the museum personnel who were in the process of going over the engines to make sure they were in tip top shape.

  2. It’s a terrible flight and one we’ve done too often. (We have relatives in the USA.)

    QANTAS, our national carrier, stands for Quite A Nice Trip; All Survived.

    Although, after a scandal a few years back wherein a stewardess had her wicked way with a male passenger in the dunny, QANTAS was said to stand for Quickies Available Now in Toilet; Ask Stewardess.

    Anyway, under the stewardship of its gay (literally) little Irish chairman, it has lost a lot of its previous cachet.

  3. I’m sorry to hear that you couldn’t travel but happy to hear your wife arrived safely.

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