If It Saves Just One Life

Someone took me to task the other day because I still occasionally wear a face condom despite having been vaccinated against the Chinkvirus.  (Generally, I don’t anymore, unless some store flunky comes up and politely asks me to wear one, in which case I touch my face, assume a startled look, and put the stupid thing on.)

I put the face mask on because it saves lives.

Not “saving lives” in the sense of spreading the Chinkvirus, of course.  In my case, saving lives means that when a busybody gives me grief about not wearing one, I refrain from breaking his fucking neck, because (and this is an important point) some Karen is going to take umbrage at my behavior and call the manager.  (I think we can all see where this is headed.)  When I rinse and repeat by breaking his (and most likely her) neck, the cops are going to be called, there may be gun play, and people are probably going to die (myself included).

So my putting on a face mask saves lives — just not in the Fauci sense of the word.

Not Interested

Via Stephen Green at Insty I see that the NorKs are giving President Braindead’s diplomatic initiative the cold shoulder:

The White House said it had not received any response to repeated efforts to reach out to Pyongyang. The news comes as Joe Biden has sent his top diplomatic and military representatives to Asia.

At first glance, one would be puzzled at the Norks’ indifference, because when the Democrats are in control of the country, our “diplomatic initiatives” are most likely to be in the order of “Come to the table so we can bend ourselves over it”.

But considering that the Norks don’t jump unless the ChiComs first tell them how high, all is explained.  Beijing isn’t interested in any kind of diplomacy with the U.S. when they know they can just bully the flabby-kneed idiots in the State Department and White House to get them to do what they want us to do.

And Biden’s “top diplomatic and military representatives” are likely to be complete morons and milquetoasts, so small wonder.

Never mind missing Trump;  I miss Mike Pompeo just as much.

Damn, That Was Quick

Seems like it was just a couple weeks ago that I was bemoaning the cancellation of Boomershoot 2020, and here we are, looking down the barrel (so to speak) of Boomershoot 2021.  My spot for last year has been carried forward to this year, so I will be going.  I booked my hotel yesterday.

Now to the business at hand:  guns ‘n funds.

First, the gun.  Last year I purchased this bad boy:

…and the lucky winner of its raffle got it in time for the hunting season, despite it being a near-virgin.  (No news on what if anything he bagged, but that’s okay.)

This year I’m approaching the whole thing in a different way.  We have a time squeeze (I’ll be leaving for Boomershoot on April 27), so if we’re going to do the raffle this year, we’re going to have to do it with some urgency and alacrity.

Here’s what I’m proposing.  Last year I vacillated between .300 Win Mag and .308 Win, ending up with the .300 Win.  The response from everyone was lackluster, so after all cost and expenses and such, I didn’t quite break even.  I put the disappointing response down to two reasons:  1.)  the .300 Win Mag chambering isn’t to everybody’s taste (and I understand that), and 2.)  economic (tickets cost $40 instead of $25).

So this year, we’re going to do it differently, and for some other reasons that I’ll talk about below.

Firstly, I’m going to get a rifle chambered in .308 Win.  While not everyone might like a .300 Win Mag rifle, everyone should own at least one in .308, right?  And let’s bring the price of entry down, too, and go cheap and dirty (one of my personal favorite approaches, anyway).

Here’s my thinking on the rifle:  something inexpensive, like this Savage 12 FV, which typically sells for less than $450:

…or this Remington 700 ADL Varmint, for  about $50 more:

…or this Savage 10T-SR for about $100 more than that:

…but whatever rifle I get, I will be putting some decent glass on it like the Burris Veracity or Vortex Viper, but whatever brand it turns out to be, it will likely be 5-25x50mm (30mm tube).

NOTE:  I should point out that in the current gun-buying frenzy that we find ourselves in, I will be forced to choose from places that have whichever of these items actually in stock (at time of writing, all the above are thus, but that’s no guarantee in a week’s time).

The lucky winner will be getting a rifle that is well sighted in, and a proven record of accuracy, in a popular caliber.

Now for the fun stuff:  the funding — and pay attention, because things are different this time.

Ticket cost is $25 BUT — unlike in times past — you may buy as many tickets as you wish.  Yes, this means that the 1% will have a better chance of winning than the Pore & Starvin (i.e. folks like me).    I can’t help that.  The reason I’m lifting the restriction on ticket sales is that I’m going to need some overflow moolah to be able to afford the trip, so what doesn’t get spent on the rig will go towards defraying the cost of attendance.

Also, this time you don’t have to send me a paper check, as I’ve finally figured out how to get the proper output from PayPal — but if you’d rather stick with paper like last year, that’s okay too.  Just make a note in the PayPal entry that it’s earmarked for Boomershoot NoR Lucky Guy. (Thankee to all who pointed out the PayPal problem.)  Anyone who’s not interested in the rifle but still wants to help out with the expenses, you are fine and wonderful and have my blessing.

Let’s get this show on the road.

Oh and by the way:  if anyone has an issue or any bad history with the specific rifles, let me know.

News Roundup

With commentary short and not so sweet, like Danny DeVito.

in other words, that’s a dick too far.

the keyword is “West Virginia” — America’s Wales.

Greta Thunberg could not be reached for comment.

and yet they still keep sending me begging letters for an overpriced subscription to their poxy rag.

and I haven’t laughed so much since Nancy Pelosi caught her tits in a revolving door.

I wish someone would cancel all my novels.

oh FFS.  TCM used to be the place where I could go and watch old B&W movies to escape modern life;  now I have to listen to some wokist bullshit about them first?  Looks like my DVD collection is going to grow

..also banned:  any report involving Nigora Bannatyne, and let’s not even talk about the word “denigrating”The knights who say “Ni” were unavailable for comment.

Great Cicero’s bleeding hemorrhoids.

And now a new feature called “Insignifica“:  items that appear in the news, which nobody repeat nobody should give a rat’s ass about;  and yet there they are.  (Contains no links because health hazard.)



it’s so sad.  This creature used to be unbearably beautiful, and then she turned 18 and became an “adult”.  Now she resembles a Moscow street prostitute just off the 3am shift.

And finally, seeing as this is all about the news, here’s wholesome Brit TV presenter Angela Scanlon:

Maybe I should just call this the “Ginger” section…


Here we go again:

A Sarpy County jury on Wednesday found a 38-year-old woman guilty of 11 felony counts in connection with child sexual assault and abuse that occurred at alcohol-fueled sleepovers with pre- and young teens.

It gets better:

Authorities said Greer provided alcohol and marijuana-infused gummy bears to her 11-year-old daughter and her friends at weekend sleepovers in 2017 and 2018.

Wouldn’t be a crime if it was Oregon or California, but it’s Nebraska:

Greer faces a maximum sentence of life in prison next month when she is set to be sentenced.

That said, I’m offering odds on her getting a suspended sentence Because She’s A Woman So Shut Up.

Quote Of The Day

I could basically just mine Tucker Carlson’s nightly FNC show for a QOTD, but that would involve watching FNC.

This one of Tucker’s, however, is specifically on target:

“Here’s a reminder: the U.S. military exists to fight and win wars. That’s its only purpose. The U.S. military is not an NGO. It is not a vehicle for achieving ‘equity.’ It’s not a social experiment. It’s definitely not an employment agency. Nobody has a God-given right to work in the military. No one does, and that includes all of us.”

‘Nuff said.

Except that women don’t belong in the fucking military.  There, I said it, and I will never change my opinion.