Not This Shit Again

They never give up on the idiocy, do they?

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) used a Monday post on X to call for a buyback of AR-15s and firearms that Democrats refer to as “assault weapons.”

He also wants a ban in place to keep future AR-15s from being manufactured or sold.

Swalwell posted:
Ban assault weapons. Buy them ALL back. Choose our kids over their killers.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) August 28, 2023

I find the “Choose our kids over their killers” line especially ironic, coming from a politician whose party supports an “abortion-right-up-to-birth” policy.

He should stick to shagging ChiCom honeytraps.

Loathsome little turd.

Not that I actually own either of the above, of course;  it’s just a point of principle.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: S&W 627-5 Performance Center (.357 Mag)

This one caught my eye at Collectors:

I know, I know:  the constant gripe about Smith’s Performance Center (or “Profit Center”, as it’s sometimes called) is that they take a gun and turn it into what the gun should have been at the outset, for about a grand’s difference.

I don’t think that’s fair, because while a standard Smith 627 is not exactly a slouch in the Gun Beauty Division:

…there is no doubt that like any standard-issue gun, it can always be improved by a little judicious tinkering.  Which is what the Performance Center does.  And yes, like any bespoke changes, you gotta pay for the improvements.

In Colt terms, this is like the difference between the excellent Colt Trooper:

..and the magnificent Python.

I would be perfectly happy with a Trooper or S&W 627 (although 8 rounds in the 627, hubba hubba).  Both are excellent revolvers, no question about it.

And the Python and 627 PC?  Wonderful.  And you pay extra for the doubleplus part.  There’s no problem with that.

Scumbag Ban

Here we go again.  Executive summary:  asshole loser shoots three people dead for no reason other than, apparently, their race.  Doubleplusungood:  with an AR-15.  Tripleplusungood:  AR-15 had swastikas painted on it.

Before the Weepies and Gun-Fearing Wussies get going with “Ban all eeeevil assault rifles NOW!”, let’s just face a couple facts.

  1. Said scumbag was 21, so no age ban would have affected him.
  2. The AR-15 was legally purchased (as was the Glock the asshole was carrying).
  3. Had the AR-15 been banned, and assuming he couldn’t get his hands on one illegally, he could have used the (legally-purchased) Glock to do the same job.
  4. Had he preferred to use a non-AR-type semi-auto rifle instead of a Glock, he could have used one of these (which would never be included in an AR-style ban) because hunting rifles (as evidenced by the wooden stock):

    …but which function identically to the AR-15.

Listen, I don’t want to downplay this tragedy.  Society has no place for scumbags like this, and had I been there and in a position to intervene, I would have shot this little cunt in the back of the head without a second thought, before he had a chance to off himself.

Maybe his parents (with whom he was still living) could have done something ahead of time to prevent this, and maybe they couldn’t.  There’s not much a parent can do with grown kids — they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do.

Sadly, freedom does not come without its abuse, and the Second Amendment is no different.  But nothing we do can prevent them being abused, and that’s just the tragedy of it.

And just to be clear on the topic:  there neither is nor could be any new law which would have prevented this.  Random assholes will always find a way to do their evil deeds, and that’s the truth of it.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Springfield Echelon (9mm P)

This is the latest offering from Croatia’s HS guns — marketed Over Here, of course, by Springfield — the “Echelon”.  (Are gun manufacturers getting their naming criteria from Japanese car companies, I ask myself?)  Here’s the bare-bones version:

…and in its tricked-out regalia:

To be clear, the last “new” gun I shot was a SIG P365 when it was first released, which should tell you how out of touch I am in these matters, so of course I am not well-versed on this Echelon thing’s operation.

But the Honest Outlaw is, having fired it lots (and lots) and subjected it to abuse that I would barely consider inflicting on a Clinton, let alone to a gun.  He ends up loving it (not the mag, though), so from that perspective it looks like an excellent deal, as so many of Springfield’s guns are.

At the end of the day, though, you’re still going to end up with a gun that shoots a Europellet.

By the way:  I’d like to get in touch with Chris on a non-related gun matter, so if anyone knows the Outlaw’s email addy, please send it to me.

Where It Counts

I saw this yesterday (link in pic):

…and it struck me that politicians shouldn’t ever take this at face value.  Why?

Because we gun owners seldom show up to demonstrate.  We do, however, show up at the polls, and in greater numbers than the ninnies carrying silly placards.

Wussy TennGov Bill Lee should take note.

By the way, the anti-gunners aren’t having much success, as this weepy article reveals.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Browning Buck Mark (.22 LR)

As I get older, I have to face the fact that my eyesight — never good, now terrible — is at this stage of my life, totally shit.  What that means is if I want to continue to enjoy shooting, I shall have to change how I shoot, to whit:  no more iron sights (sob) and instead, resort to one of these so-called “red dot” things, such as seen on this little cutie at Collectors:

Here’s the thing.  I have always thought that Browning prices their products just a leetle too high, asking a premium that is not really justified… except for their Buckmark .22 pistols, which are not only astoundingly accurate, but have, easily, the best trigger of any .22 pistol — and perhaps the best trigger of any handgun, period.  Is that worth a premium price?  You’d better believe it.

So at well over $800 for the above — that’s the gun, the Vortex red dot and Collector’s premium, this would take a big gulp and a re-ordering of a few of life’s other offerings (e.g. food) to get this one into Ye Olde Musket Cabinette.

Other than the red dot thing — which looks like a carbuncle on a pretty girl’s face, but which I have most reluctantly accepted as a necessity — everything about this gun is beautiful:  the rosewood grips, the heavy brushed-stainless steel barrel, just the look of the thing, all cry out:  “Kim, I need a new home!”

And if I had the cash, it would be mine.  I’ve owned several Buck Marks in my time — all either given away or sold because poverty — and I miss them badly.  As it is, I’m going to have to sell one of the other guns in my safe to get this one.

I mean it.