Seen SOTI:
…which may go towards explaining shit like this:
Not excusing or sympathizing; just saying.
Seen SOTI:
…which may go towards explaining shit like this:
Not excusing or sympathizing; just saying.
From (of course) the Daily Mail:
Angelina Jolie walks away $80 million richer after dragging Brad Pitt ‘through ringer’ in eight-year divorce battle
Were there bells involved? No?
Then it’s wringer, you fucking imbeciles — the machine what squeezed the water out of sodden clothing with rollers (back before we had clothes dryers). Not that I would expect Millennial- or Gen Z illiterates to know about them.
Which is no excuse.
I cannot count the number of timers I’ve written about this scenario:
One of my favorite-ever literary passages is in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, when Yossarian walks into a bedroom to discover that his lunatic navigator Aarfy has just murdered a prostitute by throwing her out the window. While he’s remonstrating with Aarfy, the military police burst into the room — and arrest Yossarian for being AWOL.
The same thing has happened time and time again*. And here’s yet another one to make your blood boil (as it did mine):
British police were called to a house after a neighbor heard screams. They found a young girl naked & drunk with 7 Pakistani men.
They arrested the girl for being drunk & convicted her. They reportedly didn’t even question the men.
Every single one of those cops should be taken to a windowless cell, tied to a chair and beaten with chains. Followed by the same treatment for those seven asshole Pakis**.
This should also be seen in its larger context. (Warning: it’s really hard to read without an extreme RCOB*** occurring.
*Here. here and here are just three examples where I’ve written about this foul nonsense.
**I know very well that the term “Pakis” is offensive. When it comes to these pedophiles, however, no descriptor is offensive enough. Fuck ’em.
***Red Curtain Of Blood, which comes over your eyes when discovering massive bastardy and injustice.
“It’s a Wonderful Life” fans have expressed outrage that Amazon Prime cut a crucial scene from the beloved Christmas classic.
An abridged version of the 1946 film has been edited to leave out a scene that many consider the most important in the movie, which follows the character of businessman George Bailey as he considers taking his own life.
The scene in question, known as the ‘Pottersville scene,’ sees George wish that he had never been born before his guardian angel reminds him that he needs to earn ‘his angel wings.’
In the original version of the movie, George tells the angel that he believes he is worth more dead than alive. The angel then tells George that he does not know all he has done in his life, before showing him a version of a grim world where he never existed.
That’s when George realizes he has a wonderful life and has positively impacted his loved ones, who he is desperate to get back to as the film comes to a resolution.
But in the abridged version of the film on Prime, the moment where the angel tells George he has to earn his wings abruptly cuts to George happily running through the streets after he’s reconciled with his own life — without including what led him to his newfound acceptance.
…and harking back to the title of this post: this is why I have bought and continue to acquire the DVDs of all my favorite movies (Casablanca, 1984, It Happened One Night, all the Fred/Ginger movies, etc.) and I have a backup multi-format DVD player in case my new one ever breaks.
That way, nobody (e.g. Amazon) can ever take them away from me or “abridge” them. Just who the fucking hell do they think they are? The Pope who had all Michelangelo’s nude works defaced by painting over the women’s pudenda?
Fuck ’em all, and the nanny horse they rode in on.
Oh, this is rich:
A paltry 6% of the federal workforce “report in-person on a full-time basis” while almost one-third of federal workers are remote on a full-time basis, in a sharp turn-around from the pre-pandemic era in which only 3% teleworked daily.
Of course, Elon Musk (the man who is aiming to fix this kind of shit) has the truth of it:
If you exclude security guards & maintenance personnel [i.e. the folks who have to be there — K.], the number of government workers who show up in person and do 40 hours of work a week is closer to 1%!
Sen. Joni Ernst’s audits are finding as many as 23[%] to 68[%] of teleworking employees for some agencies are boosting their salaries by receiving incorrect locality pay. Some employees live more than 2,000 miles away from their office and one “temporary” teleworker collected higher locality pay for nearly a decade.
Yup; nothing like claiming D.C. cost-of-living support whilst living in W. Virginia, is there? Or, as Harris Rigby puts it:
Get paid for big city expenses, live in the cheap suburbs, pocket the difference.
My thoughts on the above:
Hey, it’s not firing squads. (Which would have been my solution.)
Worst headline of the year:
FFS, was this “poll” even necessary? I mean, I’m as lewd as the next guy, and a lot more lewd than most, and even I was offended by it.
And no, there’s no link. You want to find it, go look for yourself at the Daily Mail.