Stupid French Nonsense

I know, there’s a ton (not tonne) of redundancy in the title, but bear with me.

Over at The Divine Sarah’s place, some guy spouts off about the foul Napoleonic metric system, and of course I agree with all of it.

Engineers (of whom there are a few who will read this) will strongly disagree, but I live in a world of my own stuff and am not making things for other people.  And in that world, I can certainly see this:

If you had to estimate the dimensions of a room without the benefit of a tape measure, you might walk its perimeter heel to toe, counting your steps.

I cannot tell you how often I’ve done this, either for the above purpose or to see whether a carpet will fit into a room whose dimensions I know in feet and inches.  Ditto when installing shelves on a wall, or estimating a smaller space (my hand, with fingers fully splayed, measures just over eight inches from pinkie to thumb tip).  I have small (8.5 shoe size) feet, which measure ten inches long from heel to big toe, or just over eleven inches if wearing my Minnetonka moccasins.  I can measure distance because my step is about a yard (and I have no idea what that is in meters because a meter is much longer than my step).  I’d rather use arshins or schritten than meters because they make more sense (about a step, in each case).

In other words, I don’t need to carry a frigging tape measure inscribed with inscrutable and meaningless units because I already have measuring devices on hand, so to speak.  (And yes, if I know inches but am presented with centimeters, I can multiply / divide by 2.5 as needed because I’m not an idiot, and I don’t care about the missing .04 cm because I don’t have OCD.)  I know that my measurements are somewhat approximate, but in my world that does me no harm.  If it’s likely to, then I’ll use a tape measure (in Imperial/U.S. units*) for the precision required.

And yes, I know that some of the Imperial measurements are loony — gills, furlongs, chains, pecks and so on — but when last did anyone use those?

Engineers, scientists and drug dealers can use all the grams, milliliters or centimeters they need.  The only time I “need” the metric system is when I’m looking at bullet diameters, and I’m okay with that.  (And on the same topic, grains make more sense than milligrams.)

Otherwise, those stupid French measurements can kiss my ass.  Bloody Europeans are just a bunch of poxy control freaks, and I want no part of it, or them**.

*I have no idea why the U.S. gallon is smaller than the Imperial, but even then I can live with it.  When I’m in Britishland, it requires less adjustment in my thinking than it takes to drive on the left vs. the right side of the road.

**except when it comes to cheese or goulasch.

“Dear Dr. Kim”

“Dear Dr. Kim:

“I’m 40 and my boyfriend is 43. We’ve been together for ten years.

“My partner’s sexual fantasy was to watch me have sex with another man.

“Ever since we met, he’s shared that his fantasy is to watch another man have sex with me. Over the past few years, he’s become preoccupied with trying it in real life.

“At first, I was resistant. I am a one-man woman. But the more he asked, the more I realized how happy it would make him. And I thought it might be exciting. Eventually, I agreed to do it — as his birthday present.

“One evening, we went out for drinks and he invited a mate to join us. They’d already agreed this friend would come home with us. Once there, my boyfriend told me to go to the bedroom and get undressed, and to act like he wasn’t there. Then he sent the guy upstairs to join me. He followed a few minutes later and sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

“I was shy initially, but the other guy was very sexy. Once he started kissing me, I relaxed into it and soon found myself enjoying the experience.

“Afterwards, my partner sent him home and got into bed with me and he was so turned on that it was the best sex we’ve ever had.

“Dr. Kim, the problem is that now I’ve let the genie out of the bottle, I can’t put it back in. I did it once -– and now he’s begging me to do it again, but I don’t want it to become a regular part of our sex life.

What am I to do now?

Slave To Voyeurism

Dear Slave:

Ten years is a long time for a non-marital relationship to last, and it’s an even longer time to be persuading you to fuck another man while he watches.

The unpleasant little truth about seemingly-innocent perversions like this one — and it is a perversion — is that at some point, things are going to start getting unpleasant:  for you.  Ollie The Onlooker is going get dissatisfied with watching just straight sex, and he’s going to start getting adventurous, which means that you’re going to get dragged along, more or less unwillingly.  I don’t know where it will lead to, but as a guess we’re looking at (in no specific order) bondage, possibly sado-masochism, multiple male participants (i.e. gang bangs), and similar fun stuff (for him).

And by the way:  your guy’s buddy is going to want a little action without Ollie in the audience.  Take my word for it.

As you yourself said, the genie is out of the bottle, so unless you take charge, your future looks bleak.

The man is a sick fuck (literally).  Dump him and get on with your life.

When All Else Fails

…when your backs are to the wall, and when you have neither the money nor the expertise to fix an intractable problem, you can always call on the… Chinese?

South Africa’s newly minted electricity minister followed up a trip to China last week with pronouncements that the Communist Party will provide a solution for the socialist country’s collapsing power grid, which has needed planned blackouts for much of the past year.

This will end up, in typical African fashion, with a lose-lose result — the Chinese will come to realize, as all colonial powers eventually do, that sinking money into Africa is just that:  throwing money into a pit, with no tangible reward.  And South Africa will end up the same as they are now, maybe worse, with a power system that still doesn’t work, only with a mountain of debt to the Chinese loansharks that they have no chance (or intention) of paying back.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of socialists, on both sides.

Childish Games

Ever notice that it’s almost always Leftists who indulge in silly-ass actions when they see something they don’t agree with?

Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller, 69, a Democrat representing Cranston and Providence, has been arrested and charged with Vandalism/Malicious Injury to Property.

He is accused of deliberately defacing another man’s car because of an anti-Biden bumper sticker on the vehicle.

Miller denied causing any damage to the vehicle and alleged that the car’s owner had followed and verbally threatened him. Miller further speculated, “I am a state senator. I think he recognized me. I think he is one of those ‘gun nuts’.”

Note the classic misdirection ploy.  Didn’t work.

Isn’t this Lefty tool a little too old to be playing these silly games?  Apparently not.

I think the car owner deserves to get a complete new paint job, payment to be taken directly from the old asshole’s personal checking account.  Of course, that won’t happen because Rhode Island is a seething hive of wretched scum and villainy of the “progressive” variety.

Or he could just endure a public flogging — essentially, a spanking for a childish misdemeanor to make the punishment fit the crime — but no doubt someone’s going to have a problem with this suggestion.

Here We Go Again

…and from the Usual Suspects, the usual stupid questions:

Barack Obama has questioned why the Titan sub tragedy that killed five men has received wall-to-wall media coverage – while a boat sinking with 700 refugees on board has been ignored.

Why?  I’ll tell you why:  nobody cares about African peasants drowning because a.) they’re peasants and b.) it happens all the time.

Yeah, it’s unfair and blah blah blah “equity” yadda yadda “untenable”, but the fact is that a tragedy involving wealthy people visiting arguably the most famous (and tragic) shipwreck in history thousands of feet below the surface is more newsworthy than the drownings of (yet another) boatload of illegal immigrants — I’m sorry, I mean undocumented travelers / refugees / asylum-seekers — who are invading Europe on a daily basis.

And the final thing:  not everything is about being Black, you disgusting race hustler.