I genuinely do not know the answer to this question.
Much play has been given to the fact that a Muzzie mayor in Michigan has endorsed Trump for President in 2024 and not, as one would expect, Her Junior Filthiness. Also the Teamsters, for so long a Democrat lock:
Perhaps even more noteworthy is the non-endorsement that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters issued last week. The union’s internal polling showed that its members strongly favor Trump over Harris, but leadership issued a statement saying that it was declining to endorse either. The statement also shared the polling data, which prompted me to write that it was tantamount to a “soft endorsement” of Trump when I first reported it. Matt wrote last Friday that the move by the Teamsters is causing some agita among the Dems.
Does this matter? I mean, in terms of actual votes? I mean, yeah, symbolism etc. But does his endorsement mean that x number of these constituents are going to suddenly vote for Trump instead of Harris?
I know that if, say, the mayor of Plano decided to endorse a specific candidate or party, that would have absolutely no bearing on how I’d cast my vote. But then I take my political cues from nobody else, so maybe I’m not representative of the average voter.
I’m still interested when, for example, the head honcho of the Fraternal Order of Police announces his endorsement — will rank-and-file cops follow his lead, or make up their own minds? One might hope that the latter would be the case, but perhaps this is giving too much respect to the average cop.
Or maybe an endorsement simply sways the “undecideds” — although how any voter in these United States can still be uncommitted at this stage is quite beyond me.