Pure Comedy

Fine, I know he’s the prime contender for the late Sheila Jackson Lee’s title of “Stupidest Person In Congress”, but even for him, this is rich:

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that it was “hard to find someone better qualified in our history to become president” than Vice President Kamala Harris.

Ummm I can think of half a dozen, and that’s just since 1900.  (Okay, since you ask:  Taft, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.  Hell, Warren Harding was better-qualified than the DEI VP, never mind the lesser Republicans like the two Bushes.)

And if we go further back in our history… oh, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincoln… need I go further?

I would suggest that Schiff undergo a lobotomy, but I suspect he already has.

Popcorn Time

In last week’s Roundup, I posted this during the Republican convention:

And the reaction has not been long in coming (courtesy of indefatigable Reader Mike L.):

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Vice President at large John Palmer announced he is mounting a challenge to current President Sean O’Brien after he gave a speech at the Republican National Convention. 

Palmer laid out several reasons why O’Brien has shown he is not fit for his leadership position, including fear of retaliation among members and failing to support members in contracts.

“This [Teamsters] administration rode into power on a wave of excitement generated by our members’ desires and frustration. We were promised a more engaged leadership and a more militant union. What we have received so far is a PR blast furnace of misinformation and betrayal.” 

I guess we’ll just leave it to the teamsters to fight it all out.

Ordinarily, I’d encourage outsiders (i.e. Republicans) to stay away from this little imbroglio, but I have just one thing to say to the teamsters, and it’s only a few words:

Under the Biden administration, we’ve been seeing more and more non-union truck drivers, longshoremen and low-income workers coming into the country illegally and taking your jobs.  Trump is committed to bringing back American jobs to Americans.  Ask yourselves which (governmental) Administration will serve your interests better.

But hey… far be it for me to try to tell people how to vote.

Quote Of The Day

This is just excellent:

“Now that President Biden has suspended his campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is the most qualified and best choice to lead us forward.”  — Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)

The truly funny part is that the moronic and unintelligible Harris might well be the most qualified Socialist of them all.  But a better choice would have been a hedgehog.

Which says all you need to know about the Democratic Socialists.

Millions And Millions

There’s been a lot of harrumphing about Elon Musk setting up a “Super PAC” (political action committee) to channel tons of moolah into the Trump reelection campaign (here’s one take).

Of course, the Communists aren’t going to take this lying down, oh no.  Expect to see a lot of “Musk is evil” opinions emanating from the Left, and “a few people influencing and endangering our democraceh” wailing.  (Standard Left procedure:  if you can’t overcome the ideas, demonize the characters.)

Of course, when the Left does the PAC thing, it’s all well and good.  Zuckerberg spending millions to enable (possible fraudulent) voting drives?  No biggie.  Soros funding campaigns of other Commies in key state positions?  Why not?

But let a few conservative rich guys do the same for their candidate?  Oh no, that has to be stopped.

Fuck ’em, and the hypocritical horse they rode in on.

That VP Choice

In yesterday’s New Roundup, I noted this:

…which upon reflection was flippant, and rather harsh.

In fact, I think (as I write this) that it was a really interesting choice.

Here’s the thing:  what Trump needs as a Vice-President is not a typical politician — he had that with Pence last time round, and what a waste of time he turned out to be.  Rather, the next VP — and for all intents and purposes his political heir — needs to be someone who will continue Trump’s agenda and cement his legacy.

Trump is an Olde Phartte, after all, and while I fervently hope that he outlives his next term, there’s nothing wrong with having a much younger man to succeed him.

“But… a novelist?”  I know, I know, but J.D. isn’t just that:  in addition to having come up through poverty, he’s also USMC, a Yale law grad (before Yale became the cesspit it is today), and a U.S. Senator.

And actually, I like the fact that he’s also a writer, because what that shows is imagination… and after what we’ve been through for the past eight years, imagination is precisely what this country, and just as importantly what the Stupid Party sorely needs.

And let me remind you:  when the Czech Republic emerged from the foul shackles of East-Bloc Communism, their first president was Václav Havel — a playwright — and by almost any measure he was extremely successful in guiding his country out of the mire during his dozen-odd years as president.

I might be proved wrong in all this, but I don’t think I will be.  What I am sure of is that J.D. Vance is a tough guy as well as a writer, and that toughness and imagination is going to stand him in good stead as he stands up to the horrible ghouls of the Left.

And kudos to Donald Trump for thinking in that direction.  Get ‘er done, guys.

Quote Of The Day

Taki, on the British voting system:

“One-third of the vote gave Labour two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. And it gets better—worse, that is. The Reform party got 4.1 million votes and five seats in Parliament. The Liberal Democrats received 3.6 million votes and got seventy seats in Parliament.  If that’s democracy, I’m Kim Kardashian.”

I’m not a fan of “pure” democracy — popular vote decides parliamentary apportionment — and of course our U.S. electoral system isn’t that either, being a representative republic.

The problem with Taki’s idea of democracy is that it’s based (unsurprisingly) on the Classical Greek system.  Except that in that system, over three-quarters of the voting-age population were excluded from voting before the first ballots were cast.

But I have to say that the Brit system does seem to be a few too many steps in the other direction.