
With all the bollocks surrounding the miracle electric cars and how they’re going to Save The Planet, etc., anyone with half a brain knows that a.) electric cars need lots of juice to run and b.) the current electricity grid — in any country — would not be able to handle the surge in demand should a country (foolishly) decide to abolish gasoline-powered cars by x date (sooner rather than later).

So how would government handle the problem?  Step forward the BritGov, with a wonderful idea:

Charging points for electric cars will be preset to turn off for nine hours a day amid fears they could cause blackouts with the government pushing the switch from diesel and petrol.
From May, every new charger will automatically not function at ‘peak times’ to ease the pressure on the national grid.
There is also set to be a ‘randomised delay’ of up to 30 minutes if there is high demand from motorists.

Yeah, that’s going to get just everyone to dump their Jaguars for Priuses, won’t it?

Fucking morons.

Quote Of The Day

“Fascism is the organized attempt to introduce socialist planning with the consent of big business.” – Edward Conze (1934)

So, on the Fascist scale of 0 (September 17, 1787) to 10 (Nazi Germany, 1940), where do you think we stand today?

I’d put us at 7, maybe 8.

Resignation Mixed With Glee

As the Year Of The Biden Shitshow rumbles on, I find myself in the curious situation of caring deeply about people getting shafted in, for example, Afghanistan, and not caring a shit about it all.

The reason for my glee is that I think the country is realizing — finally — that the Left has no clue.  No clue about how to govern, about how to manage foreign policy, about formulating any kind of social policy that isn’t a rehash of failed socialist dogma not only of the past but of the recent past, and absolutely no clue about how to fight and win a war.

As a single individual, there’s pretty much nothing I can do about any of it, really.  Al I can do is to chronicle and comment on the depths of scorn with which one can describe their flailing and ineffectual attempts to manage… well, everything.

Over the weekend, I read this article by Erik at No Paseran! in which he states:

[T]he members of the Biden administration, like the drama queens in all Democrat administrations, knows that the true enemies of America, of the planet, and of all mankind are not the Taliban, the Islamists, the Chinese, the Russians, the Soviets, the communists, etc, etc, etc.
The top pressing issue is to turn the United States government and the United States military against those whom all leftists, both in America and abroad, know are America’s, are humanity’s, true enemy — the Republicans, i.e, the American people who still believe in the country, in the flag, and in the Constitution. Also known as fascists, as Nazis, as Adolf Hitlers, and — to this administration — as “insurrectionists” and as “domestic terrorists.”

Of course, we conservatives have known about this forever — the principal weapon of the Left is to dehumanize and demonize their political opposition — so Erik’s comment is accurate indeed.

But for the first time in a long time I feel okay about it.  And that’s because I just know that the Left is going to fuck that up just as badly as they’ve managed the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

(In passing, I see that the Biden Bunch have banned imports of Russian-made ammo and  -firearms for a year.  It’s a little late for that, assholes.  Just about everyone who wants an AK-47, AK-74 or Dragunov already has one;  there are shitloads of said guns still in people’s houses all over the U.S., and ditto for the various Russkie ammo calibers.  The guys at Prvi Partizan, to name but one ammo manufacturer, must be ramping up production and hiring extra shifts.)

If what Erik says is prophetic, i.e. that after pulling us back from all “foreign entanglements”, the Democrat Administration and even the Democrat part of Congress will be devoting all their attention to suppressing conservative America, I’m just laughing.

Their attempts to jigger voting procedures in their favor have stalled or failed, and let us not forget they have to do it all before most of them get tossed out in the mid-term elections of 2022 (15 months, and counting down).

The other thing that makes me gleeful is that even if these assholes are successful in suppressing their domestic political opposition (unlikely), the Great Reset they’re always talking about is not going to turn out quite the way they expected.  But by now, the Left should be quite used to the concept of unforeseen outcomes — the word “unexpectedly” is by now very familiar to them.

Bring it on, fuckwits.

Serious Stuff

This is the best socio-political essay of the past 50 years, because it describes irrefutably what has happened to our so-called leaders (he calls them the Permanent Managerial Class, or PMC) as Afghanistan has reverted to a Muslim emirate.

It’s not too long — and even if it is, it will be the best time you’ve spent all day, perhaps all year.  It’s impossible to summarize (like all good essays), but here’s my favorite part:

How long it will take for their institutions to disappear, or before they end up toppled by popular discontent and revolution, no one can know. But at this point, I think most people on some level now understand that it really is only a matter of time.

Go there now, and read all of it.  I’ve read it three times.  (Thankee, Insty)

We Are The Enemy

Over at the Treehouse, Sundance outlines how We The People have become the enemy of the governing class:

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement yesterday, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HERE]  According to the statement, if you question the orthodoxy, mandates, or COVID-19 response from the U.S. government, you are now considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

You know, if you treat people as the enemy long enough, and provoke them often enough, they will eventually become exactly what you accused them of at the beginning.

Just sayin’.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.