Pure Class

So while the world mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday, we had this reaction from an academic person:

Carnegie Mellon University professor Uju Anya reacted to the news of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II suffering from poor health shortly before her death on Thursday by calling her a “wretched woman” and a “genocidal colonizer” who is “the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire,” adding, “May her pain be excruciating.”

Could you imagine having to take one of her classes?  Ugh.

Pinochet Wins Again

I loved visiting Chile back in 2015.  The country was lovely, the people were friendly, and the food was not only fantastic but cheap.

The problem is that in Chile, the ghosts of Augusto Pinochet and Salvador Allende are still a presence in the country — the former in country-club toasts like “To General Pinochet:  the savior of Chile”, and the latter in the elections such as the last one, which installed a Marxist government.

Speaking of the Marxists, they wasted no time in drawing up a new (Communist) constitution for Chile, which they put up to the vote last week.

Seems as though the Chileans figured it all out, though, because they voted down the proposed constitution, 62%-38%.

Predictably, the Left had promoted the new constitution with rallies in their usual manner, such as this one:

One particularly alienating performance occurred in the city of Valparaiso just a week before the vote at an event in favor of the new constitution when “a drag queen had the national flag pulled out of his rectum while his bandmates encouraged the audience to ‘abort Chile,’” according to the Economist, resulting in widespread outrage.

Valparaiso, lest we forget, is the birthplace of Augusto Pinochet, where women place fresh flowers reverently outside his old house every day.  This is not the place for the Left to let their freak flag fly, as fellow-Lefty David Crosby once crooned;  but they did, and then wondered why the people told them to jump off a building.

I bet a lot of Chileans would support Lefties jumping from helicopters far out at sea, too.

Like I said, Pinochet’s ghost is never far away.

Update: the Communist Party (U.S. Division) are dismayed at all that democracy.

Quote Of The Day

From Kenny, a quick summary:

“I’ve yet to meet a single person who’s happy with runaway inflation, a biased ‘justice’ system, gas prices, material shortages, pedophiles indoctrinating our kids, increased taxes, paying off somebody else’s student loans, and loss of liberties. Not one person.”

The whole rant is even better.

Follow The Science

From the mouth of President Biden:

…which, if my trusty old math brain still works (oy), would mean that the 5.56mm poodleshooter comes out of Biden’s AR-15 barrel at 22,750 feet per second, by comparing it to the similarly-sized .22-250 Remington bullet (4,550 FPS).

The actual muzzle velocity of the 5.56mm bullet is, as we all know, about 3,250 fps.

So President Brain-Dead was exaggerating by a factor of seven, or flat-out lying, or he was just in his customary state of senile dementia.  All three combined, of course, cannot be ruled out.

Lifestyle Choice

And there ya go:

A vegan woman convicted of murder in the malnutrition death of her young son was sentenced on Monday to life in prison.

Sheila O’Leary, 39, whose family followed a strict vegan diet, was convicted in June on six charges – first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse and two counts of child neglect – in the death of Ezra O’Leary.

Her final statement:  “At least Ezra died healthy.”  </sarc>

If there were any justice, this callous bitch would be starved to death in prison.  And by the way, she looks exactly like you think she would.