Listening Time

I’m feeling a little under the weather — head cold, nothing to worry about — so please indulge me for a day or two if posting is a little light.

In the meantime, listen to the ever-knowledgeable Victor Davis Hanson talk about the war in Ukraine.  Well worth the time.

Declining Standards

Back in the days of my very-much misspent yoot, we did the student protest thing not just because of injustice and fighting back against The Man etc., but also because it was a really good place to pick up chicks.  And by and large, they were good-looking ones too.


Yeesh.  No wonder all the male protesters these days look like effeminate girlymen if not actual homosexualists.

Then again, if I drop the rose-colored spectacles for a moment, I also recall that a lot of the Indignant Womyns back then were kinda like the scolds we see today:  uhly, humorless and fanatical.

No man should.