News Roundup

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And on that pungent note, here’s the real smelly stuff:

...not that she should have been arrested in the first place, but this DID happen in Airstrip One, after all.

From the Dept. Of Irony:

...on the bright side, it wasn’t crucifixion.

...but for those of us who’ve been paying attention, it’s turning out EXACTLY as we expected.

AK, Glock, howitzers, they’re all the same to him, the demented old fucker.  And speaking of which:

...if it’s fake news, can fake medical tests be far behind?  back to your bedtime triple espressos, then. prove that all appearances to the contrary, she ISN’T Billy Idol?

...key word:  France.

...2% of the population, 2% of the commercials.  What to complain about? THAT’S going to hit them hard, so to speak.  And speaking of ejaculations:

...the medical equivalent of drive-through restaurants.



...because as any fule kno, if they’re NOT old enough to bleed...

...who she? you ask.

Here’s the fun part, though.  Once you get past the carefully-styled and artfully-posed pics, what you really get is something a little… errrr plumper:


Fake news, in other words.

“Second-Tier” Revolvers

They’re not the “flagship” models that jump immediately to mind when one talks of proud handgun manufacturers like Colt or Smith & Wesson.

Say “Colt revolver”, for instance, and the word that jumps immediately to mind is “Python”:

…and a lovely thing it is, too. [pause to wipe drool from chin]

But what if you can’t afford the $5 grand price tag for an original (79-80s era) Colt revolver?  Step forward its predecessor, the Trooper:

Now I have to tell y’all, I love love love this gun.  Sure, it doesn’t have the heavy barrel underlug of the Python, and maybe its trigger isn’t quite as good — maybe — but I have to say that it’s a sexy beast all by itself.  Point is, though, that as pictured, the Trooper is an astounding $1,500 cheaper than the Python, and while still expensive — it’s a minty Colt, FFS, what did you expect? — it’s not exactly a huge stepdown in quality either.

It must be said that Smiths are miles cheaper than most Colt revolvers, so there’s not much difference between the models, cost-wise.  But sticking with .357 Mag models with ~6″ barrels, the S&W Model 686 is a peach of a revolver:

…and I know that many of you have one (!) and swear by it.  I would, too, and did (before the Tragic Canoe Accident On The Brazos River).

But spare a moment for the venerable Model 60:

Honestly, I prefer the latter even if its J-frame is not as stout as that of the L-frame 686 (heck, my bedside gun is a K-frame Model 65, and I don’t feel bad about it).  And yes I know, the 60 is a five-shooter and not a six/seven-shooter like the 686.  A cursory perusal of gun articles over the years is replete with titles like “Model 60 — the only revolver you’ll ever need?”, so there’s that.

Frankly, I think the Model 60 is a more stylish gun — its slender barrel with a semi-underlug / ejector shroud is (that word again) sexy, and the one in the above pic has me drooling again.  WANT.

Branch line:  Some of you Smith fanatics adherents are going to compare the Python to the blued Mod 586:

…but no;  the Python’s trigger is not only better, but in a different class, sorry.  Not that I hate the 586, oh perish the thought, but… no.

Okay, all this talk of guns (and the pictures that accompany them) means that I have to go to the range, now.  Talk amongst yourselves…