Foreign Visitors

For the next couple weeks we will be hosting New Wife’s son and daughter-in-law as they flee (temporarily) their South African home for springtime in Texas.

None of that matters, because they will be bringing our* precious granddaughter with them:

…so the fortnight will be spent in Grandparent Heaven, and posting may be a little light other than the regular features such as the Caption Competition, Monday Funnies, Art / Culture Saturday and Classic Beauty, which I’ve already pre-loaded.

*I say “our” because my own kids have proven to be completely useless at the Grandchild Production business, so I take them where I can.
There’s another grandchild lurking in the above pic, but we won’t be able to see that one until it’s born in August.

News Roundup

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From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:

...thus proving once and for all that climate alarmism is a religion, not science.

...and all because he wants to raise the retirement age in France from 62 to… 64.

...go on social media and call someone a nigger, however, and you’ll soon find out that the London fuzz’s “hate detection rate” is close to 100%.

...keyword:  Australia (where else?)

...Belt And Road Initiative, say hello to Africa.

...following in Her Filthiness’s bloodstained footsteps.

...well, it’s difficult to recognize a face when a Covid Cop’s boot is on your neck

From the Dept. of Work-From-Home Non-Workers (no links, just accept):

...sheesh.  They didn’t call him the “Dirty Digger” for nothing.

And speaking of stupid people:

...except that technically she wasn’t his wife, and the legal fees are going to eat up whatever he scores from this lawsuitSic semper idiota.

...can you say “Cherry 2000”, children?  I knew you could.

From the INSIGNIFICA Files:


...and who can honestly say they’ve never wanted to shit on near a Clinton?

Finally, our Paige 3 Report:

And in other Paige News:

But back to golf:

And that’s all the news fit to summarize.