Quietly Seething

After reading this, I think I can safely say that I’m with the author.

We Americans have been asleep for a long time now, failing to surveil our politicians and bloated bureaucracy. As our Declaration of Independence tells us, “…all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
In the very next sentence, however, this same document states that when the people suffer from “a long train of abuses and usurpations,” then “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”

I think we’re getting very close to that point, but what interests me, from a philosophical standpoint, is whether we’re going to do the “Irish democracy” type of rebellion — whereby laws are just generally ridiculed or ignored:

I don’t think we’ll go for the French “Aux barricades!”  stuff;  that’s more the Pantifa style, and we ain’t them:

…which leaves the American kind of rebellion:

It sure is going to be interesting, and if I were our modern-day tyrants, I’d be hoping for the Irish kind.  The last would be… interesting.


On behalf of Deplorables everywhere, I would like to thank the Left for giving us a family-friendly, safe-for-work expression that we can use to show our support for the current President:  (link in pic)

Mencken’s Promise

Over at Ace, there’s this little story:

Perhaps some of you more well-informed morons know about flying a black flag, but I had not. Fortunately, the stoopid article has an explainer:

According to the people on Tik Tok and the Sun (British tabloid), the black American flag originated in the civil war and was flown by the Confederates.
It means that they will not surrender, will not take prisoners, and are willing to die for their cause. It means they will execute their enemies.

Actually (says this well-informed moron), it originated during the 17th century.  Pirate vessels would fly a black flag to warn that they would take no prisoners, as a means to terrify the crew of the prey ship so they would surrender without a fight.

More recently, however, we have H.L. Mencken’s wonderful quote:

“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

Note the “normal man” qualifier, because it’s important.  What Mencken means is that at some point even ordinary men will be driven to drastic measures, when their situation becomes too dire or too much for their patience to endure.

I see it as a warning rather than a threat.  Call it “free market research”.  And they should be glad that it’s only flags, as opposed to the sequel.

Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to a fabric store.

Quote Of The Day

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D):

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Democrat / Socialist attitude, explained in a single sentence.  Two concepts in one:

“All your child are belong to us.”

“We know better than you what your kids should be learning.”

Is it too soon to start the public hangings?

Canuck Overview

Da Tech Guy has a funny albeit telling post about the recent elections in the Snowy North:

Basically Trudeau’s liberals stayed where they were with the most seats but not the majority that he was hoping for. Meanwhile conservatives who thought a bit ago that they might end up winning stayed right where they were.

The funny part comes at the very end, and features Mitt Romney.

I normally give Canadian election results only a cursory look, but I have to admit to being surprised that His GirlyBoyness got reelected.  Have all Canuckis gone horribly Left?  I asked myself.

Now I know how it happened.

Simple Solution

From this Niall Ferguson article via Insty (thankee, squire) comes a gem:

Last week, the Rhodium Group’s Logan Wright estimated that there was enough empty property in China to house more than 90 million people.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?  Housing for 90 million dispossessed and poverty-stricken Afghans, Haitians, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Africans and Palestinians?

Could the answer be that simple?  Let’s hear the response from the ChiComs…

[exit, cackling like a maniac]