Bygone Broads

These are not of the Classical Beauty ilk — although many would qualify if they’d been around in the B&W era — but rather, have featured as the objects of desire of teenage boys, and therefore would have been on wall posters in the aforesaid’s foul bedrooms, next to those of the Lamborghini Countach and Ferrari Testarossa.

Nowadays, of course, teenage boys’ bedroom walls contain posters of cartoon characters like Iron Man, Star Wars and crap like that.  I don’t know where or even if boys have posters of beautiful women — on the micro-screens of their poxy phones, most likely.

Here’s a sample of what I’m talking about:

Lucy Pinder


et cetera.  More of this type upon request.


Here’s my current wallpaper (right-click to embiggen and copy, if you want):

Every time New Wife sees this pic, by the way, she gives a little sigh because she used to live under a thatched roof, back in Ye Olde Days.

Good Old Days

…those being the good old days when Formula One had balls, and grid girls hadn’t been banned.

As the US Grand Prix takes place in Austin this weekend, here’s a reminder of what F1 used to look like:

…a.k.a. “Why young men risk their lives racing fast cars.”

And they accuse me of being an old-fashioned traditionalist.

Both Desirable

I see that Queen’s Gambit  hottie Anya Taylor-Joy is modeling Jaeger-LeCoultre watches now:

…but I have to say, her beauty is a strange one, because:

Anyway, here are a few more reference pics so you can make up your own mind:

And the more errr descriptive ones:

But that’s not really what I want to talk about here today.  Rather, I want to talk about Jaeger-LeCoultre watches, of which I’ve never owned a single one but I’d love to because they are just flat-out classy:

Of course, they do produce watches for more errr  modern tastes:

…and frankly, I think they’re both pig-ugly — aimed no doubt at the Russian Billionaire’s Son Set or else Arab sheiks, neither of which are known for their refined taste.

Hell, I’d take one of Jaeger’s second-hand and (very much-) older watches over either of those “modern” ones:

…just as I’d take Gina over Anya:

But you all knew that.