About That “Easy Bail” Thing

Well, it is Austin, after all:

A man has been charged with capital murder following a Tuesday series of attacks that left six people dead in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, garnering criticism for the bail reform group that freed him when he was previously jailed for domestic violence.

Shane James Jr., 34, was bonded out of Bexar County Jail in March 2022 by Laquita Garcia, the statewide policy coordinator for the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), jail records obtained by KSAT show.

Under the reign of World-Emperor Kim, Laquita Garcia would be occupying the cell next to this asshole’s on Death Row, for materially assisting the deaths of six people.

But no doubt someone’s going to have a problem with this.

About Damn Time, Too

My boy Calvin Coolidge gets recognized.  By word:

“New arrivals should be limited to our capacity to absorb them into the ranks of good citizenship. America must be kept American. For this purpose, it is necessary to continue a policy of restricted immigration.
“Whether one traces his Americanism back three centuries to the Mayflower, or three years of the steerage, is not half so important as whether his Americanism of to-day is real and genuine. No matter by what various crafts we came here, we are all now in the same boat.”

And by deed:

Under Coolidge, the top income tax rate of 65% under Wilson was eventually cut to 20%. The stock market began its unprecedented ‘roaring 20s’ climb as it became clear through 1924 that Coolidge’s tax reduction bill would pass. In both his first and last year in office, federal receipts were $3.8 billion and expenditures were $3.1 billion, and in between, he cut the national debt from $22.3 billion to $16.9 billion.

Do we ever need him today.  Kudos to Ron DeSantis for bringing him back into the limelight.

Monday Funnies

So let’s get on with the perving…


There are a few spouses that aren’t all bad.  Here’s Mrs. Ryan Reynolds:

…Mrs. George Clooney:

Mrs. Michael Douglas:

…and lastly, Mrs. Christian Horner:

And that’s all for today’s show.  Get on with it.

No Common Sense

I’ve been following this situation for a while, in a more-or-less disinterested fashion — “disinterested” because I don’t really need much more proof that the FBI as it stands is a corrupt and immoral organization that needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up minus every single senior manager.

The FBI agents who drafted a memo proposing targeting “radical-traditionalist Catholic” ideology admitted to relying on politically biased sources of information when drafting the memo, according to a new House report.

Here’s my thought:  where is the common sense among the agents who, when told to investigate Catholics as a “radical-traditionalist” group, didn’t say to their superiors, “Look, this is really fucking stupid.  Of course some Catholics are radical traditionalists;  but it’s idiotic to think that these people are a danger to society comparable to, say, radical Islamists.”

I’m not talking about the rank-and-file agents, here;  I’m talking about their mid-level managers who were obviously given the job by their superiors, and who have a duty to question obviously-ridiculous directives.

Or has the FBI been so thoroughly corrupted and “weaponized” to the extent that all of them truly believe in the Justice Department’s ideological pursuit of anyone who might be in disagreement with The Narrative?

And has the FBI become like the military, where one cannot question orders but simply must comply with them?  (Yeah, I know, but most organizations either don’t remember that the “Nuremberg defense” was completely denied, or think that it doesn’t apply to them.)

You know, at some point it becomes obvious that people like myself (not even a Catholic) can become disenchanted with government and specific government agencies like the FBI, and therefore become de facto  enemies of said agencies.

The problem is that when these agencies start acting like the Soviet NKVD or German Gestapo, of course they’re going to create enemies of people like me.

Which, frighteningly, may be the whole point of their activity:  like whipping a dog until it becomes vicious, then using that very viciousness as justification for its destruction.
