No Common Sense

I’ve been following this situation for a while, in a more-or-less disinterested fashion — “disinterested” because I don’t really need much more proof that the FBI as it stands is a corrupt and immoral organization that needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up minus every single senior manager.

The FBI agents who drafted a memo proposing targeting “radical-traditionalist Catholic” ideology admitted to relying on politically biased sources of information when drafting the memo, according to a new House report.

Here’s my thought:  where is the common sense among the agents who, when told to investigate Catholics as a “radical-traditionalist” group, didn’t say to their superiors, “Look, this is really fucking stupid.  Of course some Catholics are radical traditionalists;  but it’s idiotic to think that these people are a danger to society comparable to, say, radical Islamists.”

I’m not talking about the rank-and-file agents, here;  I’m talking about their mid-level managers who were obviously given the job by their superiors, and who have a duty to question obviously-ridiculous directives.

Or has the FBI been so thoroughly corrupted and “weaponized” to the extent that all of them truly believe in the Justice Department’s ideological pursuit of anyone who might be in disagreement with The Narrative?

And has the FBI become like the military, where one cannot question orders but simply must comply with them?  (Yeah, I know, but most organizations either don’t remember that the “Nuremberg defense” was completely denied, or think that it doesn’t apply to them.)

You know, at some point it becomes obvious that people like myself (not even a Catholic) can become disenchanted with government and specific government agencies like the FBI, and therefore become de facto  enemies of said agencies.

The problem is that when these agencies start acting like the Soviet NKVD or German Gestapo, of course they’re going to create enemies of people like me.

Which, frighteningly, may be the whole point of their activity:  like whipping a dog until it becomes vicious, then using that very viciousness as justification for its destruction.



  1. I think it’s been pretty obvious for quite some time now that your last sentence is their modus operandi.

    One small quibble—it shouldn’t be rebuilt from the ground up. You had it right at it needs to be disbanded, full stop. There is no Constitutional justification for a federal police force, that’s just tyranny waiting to happen. All agents must be summarily fired, a la the air traffic controllers in the 1980s.

    I’m not opposed to keeping the FBI forensic labs to provide service to state agencies, nor the Unified Crime Reporting system, provided they are properly supervised so they don’t politically skew reporting. But all enforcement agents should be fired and they can be hired by state police agencies. There should be no domestic police force above the state level. They can set up cooperative ventures to help with crime across state lines.

    And, not to quibble, I’m not so sure we need police anyway. I mean, these days, what’s the point? With the Soros DAs not prosecuting anyone and letting the rest out of jail for “equity” reasons *spit* what’s their purpose. They don’t prevent crime, they just clean up after it (putting up yellow tape, putting numbered labels near brass shells, arresting and harassing victims who dare to put up a fight)? And they won’t go against their masters for fear of losing their pensions. “Just following orders.”

    I’d have a lot more confidence in several dozen shop owners with shotguns and ARs quashing the next riot or two than the police. And two would be it. Nothing takes the wind out of the sails of the precious “protesters” like a half dozen of their comrades bleeding out in the gutter. The next riot would, perhaps, be the last, but if we start handling them properly, and that was the expectation, we’d have at most two more riots. Problem solved.

    But the FBI needs to be disbanded and NOT rebuilt again, or we’ll be back here in a few decades. Deja Vu all over again. And before someone brings up the counter-terrrorism function, why? When were the terrorists? Let our (equally feckless) intelligence community (oxymoron alert) handle that. They’re no good at it, but that’s beside the point. I have a friend who is actually in the counter-terrorism business and while he says there are a few good people there (bound to be when you recruit from our special forces folks), they are rapidly going the way of the military now, too.

    Get rid of the FBI, now. And stop with the “few bad apples at the top” balderdash. They’ve been purging themselves of patriots for decades, as we now see from whistleblowers. Yes, almost the entire barrel of apples is now bad. Face up to it.


    1. Shop owners with shotguns and ARs carry their own problems. Vigilante justice is a real thing, and a legitimate thing, in certain circumstances. After all, as Glenn Reynolds puts it, police don’t exist to protect the public from criminals; they exist to protect the criminals from the public.

      If the State does not reasonably and appropriately do its part to uphold the social contract, the citizens will do it themselves.

      But there is a very dark side to that, and we shouldn’t forget it. We can easily slip back into the era of Jim Crow and Black codes, or it’s equivalent, where disfavored groups are used as whipping boys and scapegoats for whatever social ill. Much of that federal overreach began as enforcing civil rights that some states, usually in the old Confederacy, would trample upon at will.

      Does the FBI need reigned in? Yes; everyone above the level of director of a field office – and some of those as well – should be fired. I’m a guy that doesn’t believe that the federal government has any police authority at all, other than in federal districts where state laws may not have jurisdiction. But what I think doesn’t matter. And yes, it can be a tool of oppression, and has been, at this point. Fire them all.

      1. Wake up. I’m not a huge fan of citizen justice. But we’re waaaaay beyond where this is even a question. Is citizen justice preferred? No, state justice is. When state justice does not exist, in that context citizen justice is very, very good.

        You painted a false dilemma. If the authorities start enforcing the law again, nobody would be happier than me. As it is, they’re not about to do that, bring on the citizen justice. You cannot argue that what we have is better than that. Your argument is broken.

  2. I agree with JC above, tear it down to the ground as it is now and has been for some time, a criminal enterprise.

    Same with at least 90% of all gov’t enterprises.
    Frankly, I have no use for anything gov’t.

    A whiner could retardedly claim I derive benefit from the gov’t, but they’d never be able to prove it.

    The primary reason for gov’t is to protect the country, but it has abandoned that ideal long ago. Thus, there is no point in it’s existence except to fleece and control the populace. I reject all of it.

    1. No – while defending the country is hugely important, it’s not the primary reason for government. It’s primary role is to protect individual rights.

      Remember this?
      “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ”

      The single most important, and earth changing piece of writing in the last 400-500 years.

      The founders understood what you are saying – and they built institutions designed to limit power, and set institutions against each other – “ambition against ambition,” as Madison put it.

      Those institutions are now almost 250 years old, and are hidebound. More important is the growth of a separate institution, a separate branch of government, unelected and unaccountable to the public: the federal bureaucracy, of which the FBI is a part. The most important thing a president can do in the 21st century is to reign in and make accountable that federal bureaucracy – again, including the FBI. And a president has to do that in the face of political and ideological capture of that federal bureaucracy by the Democratic party.

      I don’t know if it can be done. I hope so. If it can’t, we no longer have a government “of, by, and for the people.”

      1. There you, you nailed it. The question, at any rate, if not the answer. No, we no longer have a government, of, by, and for the people. That ship sailed. Accept it.

          1. My point is that’s not happening through traditional channels any more. Think the question Sean Connery asks Kevin Costner.

            After the next election is stolen that’s what we’re down to.

  3. In the US Military one actually has a responsibility to disobey unlawful orders.

    Actually there was a similar regulation in the Wehrmacht had a similar regulation, and at times individuals or even whole units refused orders based on that regulations. Of course the Nazis being Nazis, they sometimes executed people who refused such orders too. That was especially true the later in the war you are looking at.

  4. My experience in the private sector is that upper managers etc do not like to be questioned at all. They perceive anyone who questions their decisions and instructions as a threat weed out anyone who questions their decisions or instructions. The bigger the organization, the more entrenched the bureaucracy and the less they like being questioned.

    I’m sure government agencies are far worse than the private sector.


  5. X2 to all of the above commenters…yet the FBI have determined they need to expand their insane nefarious operations with a larger more subversive facility.


    A bit of the Ford v Ferrari diner scene that fully encapsulates the corporate mentality…now translate that out to The Swamp and all its Demented Inhabitants.

    1. you’re right. Thanks for the clip. Looks like tht flick is going back on my to watch list and I’m not a car guy


  6. The next five years will determine whether we survive as a Constitutional Republic, or we become an autocratic tyranny ruled by the Administrative State using a Stasi-like FBI as its enforcement arm.

  7. “…these agencies start acting like the Soviet NKVD or German Gestapo…”

    That’s unfair to the Cheka (GPU/NKVD/MGB/KGB/FSB) and Gestapo. They were not delusional – they knew who their real enemies were.

  8. This kind of stuff gets traction because low level employees are afraid to just stand up and say “This is fucking stupid.”

    When this woke crap gets called out by employees, it dies immediately.

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