Quote Of The Day

My Readers have been on fire recently.  From MarkD:

“If the American Right were half as nasty as we’re portrayed, there wouldn’t BE an American Left.”

No shit.  We’d have local chapters of Air Pinochet in all 40 states in the U.S.A. (That’s not a typo, btw.  CA, NY, CT, NJ, MA, IL and some others have long since lost the right to call themselves part of our republic.)

Pesky Facts

From I&I:

The facts are, as of Monday, a full week after election day, Biden is behind President Donald Trump in the undisputed electoral count — Biden’s 226 to Trump’s 232 (assuming Trump wins North Carolina) — with a full 80 outstanding electoral votes in seven states still in a legal fog and unlikely to be determined much before the December 14 state deadlines to report the count to Congress.

Only the candidate with at least 270 actual electoral votes reported to Congress on that date will be declared the winner. Nothing more and nothing less. And it certainly won’t be “declared” by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

So what can we say at this point about the outstanding 80 electoral votes in those seven states? What are the states in play and what are the ultimate likely outcomes?

The seven states still counting votes, or with recounts ordered, or audits forecast, or credible evidence of fraud or system “glitches” include:

      • Georgia’s 16 electoral votes under a scheduled recount.
      • Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes under a scheduled audit and a Supreme Court order.
      • Michigan’s 16 electoral votes with statehouse subpoenas for election officials.
      • Wisconsin’s 10 votes under a scheduled recount and statewide canvas.
      • Nevada’s 6 votes chasing legal challenges for fraud and a Bill Barr DOJ investigation.
      • Arizona’s 11 votes still counting and under scrutiny for voter irregularities.
      • And Nebraska’s 1 electoral vote in their District 2 under investigation.

That’s 80 outstanding Electoral College votes for which no one can at this point reliably predict a final resolution. How can anyone possibly know the results of any investigation, audit or recount before they have begun?

This is even more interesting than Bush/Gore 2000, where only Floriduh’s votes were in dispute, and that only by Democrats (remember, in all subsequent recounts, even those sponsored by Lefty orgs like the New York Times, Bush still won Florida handily).

Read the rest of the article.

Quote Of The Day

Couldn’t have put it better myself:

And that goes double if you come for my guns, BidenHarrisBeto.

Sic Transit

Herschel Smith has some bad things to say about the NRA, and can’t say that I disagree with a single one.  Here’s the killer part, though:

The NRA rating system can’t be trusted to mean anything at all, they haven’t won a real fight in God knows how long, they’re in court defending themselves, the best and brightest hopes have left the board of directors, they jettisoned the ones who didn’t (like Lt. Col. Allen West), and they’re eaten up with bitterness and internal politics and squabbles.
They were completely absent this last national election (did you hear anything from them?), and they’re trying at the moment just to survive.
What a wasted opportunity.  And all of this – every bit of it – was self inflicted.

Yup.  When you have an organization that nominally holds over five million members and you can’t do diddly with it, you deserve to pass into oblivion.

And for those who ask “Who else?”, may I suggest the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), which actually, you know, takes the anti-2A assholes to court and stuff.  Over the past ten years, SAF has done more for our gun rights than the NRA managed in twenty.