Gratuitous Gun Pic: H&H SxS 12ga Pair

Longtime Readers will know that when it comes to shotgun calibers, I am of the 20-gauge persuasion simply because I’m leery of getting my shoulder separated etc.  (I know, I know:  your 5’1″ 110lb wife can handle a 12ga all day blah blah blah whatever.)

THAT SAID:  I could be tempted into this matched pair of Hollands because reasons.  (All pics can be enlarged via the usual methods.)

You may say they’re not worth the money, but all I can think of is that choir of angels singing hallelujah every time I open the safe door.

Now where did I leave that winning lottery ticket…?

Two-Wheeled Taliban

The Greatest Living Englishman sounds off about bicyclists, and one has to sympathize with his take.  However, it should be said that the reason that there’s so much friction twixt the two-wheeled and four-wheeled sets is simply that Britishland roads, whether in- or out of town are just too damn small and narrow to accommodate both.

Over Here, we don’t have much of a problem with cyclists, largely because our roads are much wider (certainly here in north Texas, anyway), and even if one encounters a group (gaggle? mob? idiocy?) of cyclists taking up a full lane, there’s lots of room to go round them, all while shaking one’s head at the lunacy of riding a bike in the searing midsummer Texas heat.  Also, we have large pickup trucks and people with guns in them, hence the relative politeness of American cyclists compared to their Brit counterparts.

By the way, if you scroll further down the linked article, you’ll see that Clarkson’s take on the proposed Ford Capri redux  is exactly the same as mine.

GMTA, and all that.

News Roundup

Brought to you by:

Let’s pour that stuff on our hotdogs… wait, did I say wieners?

West Hollywood and Greenwich Village are on lockdown, just in case.

they’re gonna need them all when Russia invades their country, you see.’s not the wangers that will offend them, but the hurricane of farts.

thus making German street signs doubleplus unreadable, e.g.:

Still in Euroland:

...sometimes, I envy the French.

...ah, for the proper treatment of these woke asshole lawyers, see the next item:

...looks like Britishland might as well import these Muslim customs, seeing as they’re allowing all the others.

...”urging”:  no;  “scourging”:  oh hell yes.  We could start that process Over Here, if the Brits need any guidelines.

From the Dept. of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change:

...hell, New Yorkers can’t even use garbage disposal units.  Gas stoves are nothing. whistling, got it.  Straight to rape, then?

And INSIGNIFICA reports:


...which is all very well — until Lizzo wears them at her next concertAssuming, that is, that there’s enough denim in the world.


...I think the legal term for this is “asking for trouble”.

I was going to post pics of the above event, but no.  Just… no.  Instead, here’s a pic of Shania Twain, who’s never going to have oral sex on stage:

And that’s all the news worth summarizing… sheesh.

In Memoriam

I see that John Linebaugh — founder of the “Never Mind The Recoil, See The Dead Elephant Over There” school of large-bore handgun cartridges — has fired off his last round and gone to join JM Browning and Paul Mauser at Vulcan’s knee.

And what better way to commemorate the man than by showing what he was all about, with this Magnum Research monster in .500 Linebaugh?

Just looking at that bad boy BFR makes my wrist ache… but I gotta tell you, unless you’re hunting blue whales or Tiger tanks, you are not going to be undergunned.

R.I.P. John, gone too soon.

Old Ties

At one point in my life I probably owned well over four dozen ties (neckties) simply because I wore a suit to work each day of the work week, and occasionally over the weekends as well (weddings, formal dinners and so on).  The inside of my wardrobe looked very much like this:

Ties back then were not just about dressing well, nor even some kind of workplace uniform.  They were a mark of your individuality, a means whereby you could differentiate yourself from all the other guys dressed like you in their blue or gray pinstripe 3-piece suits.

So I read this article with a certain degree of regret:

While the trouser suit – for men and women – continues to be a staple on catwalks at international fashion weeks, it seems that the old fashioned necktie isn’t quite so in favour with those seeking out business attire.  

On Twitter this week, City worker and think tank owner, William Wright, of New Financial, shared a snap that will strike anxiety into the heart of officewear traditionalists…a very pared down tie display. 

While the neck tie was once considered so vital to employees wearing a whistle-and-flute to the office that it spawned a whole shop – Tie Rack – dedicated to it, it seems the accessory is no longer on trend. 

Ignoring the teeth-grinding and pretentious “on trend” phrase — what we used to refer to simply as “fashionable” — the fact remains that with the trend going from “business suits”  to “business casual” to “casual” to “Jeremy Clarkson” to “one degree above fucking ghetto”, there is no future for men’s ties, which makes me melancholy.  It’s just another manifestation of what was once called “prole drift” — the propensity for society to degrade its appearance and manners towards the underclass and becoming a world of boors.

The plain fact is that putting on a tie makes a man look properly dressed when the occasion demands it.  I couldn’t think of attending something like a wedding, funeral or even a smart sit-down dinner without a tie.  Here’s what I mean:

Without a tie, even a decent suit looks wrong.

So I went over to my tie rack as it stands today, and counted my ties.  Eight neckties, two cravats and a bolo (string) tie — “Texas formal” — and that’s it.

My old tailor at Lightbody’s in Johannesburg is turning in his grave.

Afterthought:  A little while ago, New Wife and I were going out to dinner somewhere, and I put on a suit for the occasion but dispensed with neckwear because it wasn’t that formal an occasion.  When I asked her how I looked, she responded acidly:  “What about your tie?”

I was able to pull the Old Fart card here by putting my hand to my throat and feigning shock at my forgetfulness, but I don’t think she was fooled.  I think she has been sent to chide and chastise me by my late mother.