News Roundup

…back when this stuff was funny because people knew it was tongue-in-cheek naughty instead of “hurtful” or “demeaning”.

...including, one would hope, the entire Bud Light marketing department.

...but as Kenny says:  “Meanwhile in Alaska”:

And speaking of invasions by foul creatures:

...even in Germany?  Wow.

From the Dept. of Health: opposed to offering it to illegal immigrants?  I’ll take that for $400, Alex.

From the Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© people:

...EVERYBODY PANIC!!!  Or not, seeing as there’s no actual evidence that climate “change” can affect global sea currents.

Your Gummint At Work:

...because we don’t have enough literate citizens to do those jobs, thanks to our so-called “education” system.

...too bad it’s not because of the unexpectedly-high body count.

And in Happy Happy Joy Joy News:

...Viva Italia.

...oh yes it is.  Nobody has ever complained while having one, although I bet a few women have tried.

...actually, the most dangerous position is the one her husband catches you doing.

...back when I were a lad, all you needed was a pic of Raquel Welch and this thing called “imagination”.

From the bowels of INSIGNIFICA:


...anytime anyone gets sick of looking at Liz, I can always stop.

More, you say?  Why not…

On that joyous note we end the news, and not a moment too soon.

Wait, What?

Simple, rugged, cheap, low-maintenance… what the hell is a cropduster doing in today’s U.S. dotmil?

Just about everything, it seems.

Sheesh, pretty soon the Pentagon will announce that the Jeep Wrangler will replace the Hummvee and the Colt Government 1911 is going to be re-adopted as the official military sidearm.

Okay, maybe not.

There He Goes Again

…Steve Milloy, that is, using actual data (!) to prove — as he’s being doing pretty much ever since I can remember — that the Eco-Loons are a bunch of lying assholes:

Not a single extreme weather event can be:

1. Factually shown to be unprecedented; or

2. Scientifically shown to be linked to emissions.

This, in the middle of a heatwave both here and in Europe that is nowhere close to what’s happened in the recent past, let alone in the long-ago pre-SUV era when, as he points out, Greenland was once completely ice-free, and had been for centuries.  And even now, as people have been buying more and more large SUVs and trucks:

“No global warming in almost 9 years despite 500 billion tons of emissions.”

You fool, Milloy:  it’s not global warming, it’s Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©.

Maybe at some point some kind of collective — wait, “common”? — sense will kick in, and we’ll stop listening to the climate alarmists and implementing their insane policies.

Just not while we’re being governed by addled fools like Joe Biden and his cabal of watermelons.

Question Asked

Asks some guy:

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Flee A Deep-Blue Hellhole?

Oh, I dunno.  Let me take a stab at it.  Here are what I would call good reasons, not in order but as they occur to me.  When:

  • the state’s legislature and governor’s office is pretty much controlled by the Left (from which, it should be said, all the rest of the catastrophe flows)
  • high taxes, and increasingly more-frequent tax increases and new taxes
  • permissive attitudes on the part of elected officials (such as district attorneys) towards criminal behavior
  • restrictive gun laws pertaining to ownership, possession and use
  • a state education system which fails to educate children, but which is intent on sexualizing them
  • a stifling bureaucracy that operates seemingly without check or censure as it oppresses the public
  • there’s a homeless problem which is apparently encouraged by local regulation and law
  • government is in thrall to whatever current fad is popular, e.g. climate change, LGBTOSTFU or drug decriminalization
  • cities are falling apart in terms of infrastructure (e.g. public transport and roads/bridges)
  • there’s an inability or unwillingness of government to address difficult social problems
  • still more that I can’t think of at the moment, but I’m sure that others can.

Ironically, the original article was written by a guy living in Australia, where leaving one state for another is pretty much akin to choosing to die from slow-acting poison or from cancer.  In U.S. terms, that’s like someone leaving California to live in Massachusetts.