Like We Didn’t Know That Already

Satellite Temperature Data Show Almost All Climate Model Forecasts Over the Last 40 Years Were Wrong

Any of my Longtime Readers will be at least familiar with this, as I’ve repeated time and time again that not one of the predictive algorithms used by these charlatans to drive the global warming/cooling/climate change hysteria has ever been close to its predicted outcome in terms of temperature change.

We need to end this ridiculous farce now, as it’s being used to destroy civilization and replace it with… well, universal poverty and misery, as far as I can make out.

That includes measures such as mandated ending of the internal combustion engine, replacement of clean and reliable energy generation with costly and unreliable substitutes, and all the zero net carbon nonsense — among many others.

I’d add flogging and execution of the chief charlatans, but that would probably appear as excessive to some wilting violets.


  1. If I share that with any of the globull warmening cultists I know, they will sniff and dismiss it as not being from an accepted news source. All of which are all in on the cult.

  2. Link not working for me, Why am I not surprised?

    Next thing you know somebody will report that the Covid numbers were all cooked …… and that link will disappear as well.

  3. This bit of crab grass suggests flogging and execution is excessive.

    I mean, why bother to flog them, it will teach them nothing since the follow on execution will end all earthly lessons.

    Get right to the executions because there would be a lot of them, and waiting for the flogging will only increase the chance the execution squads will be out toiling till after the streetlights have come on, and they’ll miss supper.

  4. Heavy sigh. And here we were, looking forward to shorter winters and longer growing seasons. Can’t even count on doom, any more.

  5. Save ammo and rope. Deport them all to Antarctica. After all, they believe it’s warming.

    1. Don’t be cruel. Give them a choice between hanging and deportation to Greenland, in the areas the Norse successfully farmed around 1,000 AD, with the implements, seeds, etc. that the Norse used, without transportation or communication to the civilized world. After all, they believe the climate is now warmer than it has been in 1,000 years, so they ought to do fine as subsistence farmers there.

      And they’d be able to lord it over all of us for their tiny carbon footprint (in their imagination).

    2. Don’t be cruel, and don’t pollute Antarctica with corpses in the one place on Earth without any scavengers. Give them a choice between hanging and deportation to Greenland, in the areas the Norse successfully farmed around 1,000 AD, with the implements, seeds, etc. that the Norse used, without transportation or communication to the civilized world. After all, they believe the climate is now warmer than it has been in 1,000 years, so they ought to do fine as subsistence farmers there.

      And they’d be able to lord it over all of us for their tiny carbon footprint (in their imagination, for whatever time they’re capable of imagination).

  6. ‘…………need to end this ridiculous farce now, as it’s being used to destroy civilization and replace it with… well, universal poverty and misery…….’
    Could not agree with you more BUT –
    this plot ( that’s what it is ) has been going on for FAR too long and FAR too many
    people have been ‘indoctrinated’ ( brain washed ) into believing the lies.
    IF we hadn’t stopped teaching math, science, and a dash of critical
    thinking a few decades ago, there would have been enough people to laugh this joke
    out of existence when Big Al REALLY started pushing it.
    I think DY may be on the right trail or track. It’s about ALL we have left.
    Just sayin’
    Now, today we are mired in it far too deep and far too wide spread. What are you going
    to do, TALK them out of their beliefs ?

  7. I have to disagree on one point. Out of the couple of dozen climate models, I’ve read that one (a Russian one, I believe) has actually predicted real-life temperature measurements fairly closely. That one model, as I understand it, is disregarded by the climate change mafia because it disagrees with the other models. But, regardless, there is *one* predictive algorithm that isn’t quite utter rubbish.

    1. That model and others may or may not correlate to reality, but do they really believe we humans can outdo whatever the sun, with its massive gravity and solar radiation hitting the earth with something like 88 million times the total energy output of humans, the moon and its gravity effects, the molten earth core and its periodic eruptions through the crust, shifting poles, and occasional meteor impacts like the giant one that hit Siberia 35 million yeas ago leaving a 60+ mile wide crater?
      I think its the height of hubris to think mankind’s limiting CO2, which is less of a greenhouse gas than water vapor (water being 75% of the earth’s surface, btw) is going to have a significant effect compared to what’s been going on for millennia, even without us.
      Climate Change is real, but we humans are just along for the ride.
      The Green Weenies want human control, not Climate Control.

    2. RR, the reason that the Russian model is more accurate is because they limit how far out they predict the change. The further out they project, the more the Russian model becomes similar to the Canadian one, for example.

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