Papieren Bitte

How nice:

Biden Admin Cooperates With Big Tech To Find Out What Americans Watch Online

In a way, I’m glad that I post my rage against the Machine here, rather than on “social media” such as FecesBook, InstaLame or TwatterX.

Then on the other hand, sometimes I wish that I didn’t, and just ranted all over the above so that nobody could be in any doubt whatsoever about my feelings towards this kind of bullshit.

Back in the old Racist Republic, my phone was tapped for over seven years after the student protests of the early 1970s, which had seen me arrested, briefly imprisoned and charged with “rioting”.

I can’t help thinking that my old buddies at the Security Branch would have sold their children to have had the surveillance capability of today’s American Gestapo.

I said it back then, and I’m not afraid to say it again here, in my adopted country:


  1. We’re all becoming Outlaws whether we want to or not.
    I think Rand had something to say about that.

  2. I really thought the balloon would have gone up after the Kelo and City of New London case was ruled on by SCOTUS decades ago. I thought the most dangerous job around would have been the bulldozer or crane operator knocking down the houses. Nope. now that area sits dormant.

  3. Kim:

    Noting you response to this story (i.e. “fuck this government”), please let us know how your interaction with the FBI goes. Video would be appreciated.

    You know they’re coming.

  4. One of the problems is that “democracy” has become synomymous with voting, which means that public offices are filled by ambitious individuals with dubious motives who have learned how to please a crowd.
    But suppose “democracy” was interpreted to mean that every and any citizen who is not obviously unfit is subject to assignment by Selective Service. And that draft was combined with the notion of the Course of Honors, which means that until you had successfully served a term as Selectman or County Commissioner, you wouldn’t be in the pool for State Representative – and so on and on up.
    “But interruptions for public service would destroy my working career.” Would it? How many hours a day does an elected pol spend schmoozing with voters? If a public assignment requires such a level of atttention and concentration that it interferes with earning a living, then maybe it ought to be Civil Service and not subject to the vagaries of lot selection – or voter approval.
    Jus’ sayin’

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