Saturday Listening

Here’s a slightly different take on the usual “best of” compilations.  In this case, it’s “album tracks” / B sides from the 1970s.  The fact that some of the songs are instantly recognizable just shows how much good stuff there was.  (Crap like Mr. Bloe aside, that is.)

And yes, if you want some more of the same, here it is.  And one more time


  1. You seem to have become as addicted as me. I spend a lot of time wandering around the YouTube pig farm looking for pearls. I search random musical things or words and phrase of interest that pop up in my head or surf the streams the YouTube algorithm suggests for me.

    99% trash but the 1% is outstanding.

    Mass media and Big Studio style entertainment are greatly diminished, if not dead.

  2. When I was in college in the early 80’s I pulled the 11pm to 6 am shift 3 nights one week and 4 nights the next at a small Alternative Rock radio station. We would play the other tracks of albums of top 40 songs mixed in with the same thing off of classic rock albums. I would play entire sides of an album so I could study and get my schoolwork done. I would take the 7am class and the nigh school classes so I could sleep during the day.

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