News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Election News:

...kinda like the conservative Supreme Court guys were over the abortion thing, huh?  Sauce, goose, gander, etc., you fucking Commie cow.

...yeah, they’ve been “trending Republican” since the 1990s, and yet somehow they always keep sending Democrats to the White House and Congress.  Consider me unconvinced.

In related Political News: it so wrong to be envious of the Argies, for once?

...never a Covid death when you really want one.  And speaking of disgusting Commies…

...when you’re running huge deficits, you’ll harvest extra revenue from anywhere.

...hate to break it to you, Ed, but Portland is Third World.

From the Animal Kingdom:

...key word:  Australia.

...see previous item.

News from the Muslim Assholes Dept.:

...ah yes, the Religion of Peace strikes again.  Also, they lie:

...they’ve been taking lessons from Bill Clinton.

Time for some better Sex News:

...the only surprise is that he was fired at all.

...wait:  Dolly Parton has always been in an open marriage, and I’m only finding out about this now?

And in more Showbiz News:

...the poor, poor man;  how much more suffering must he endure for his art?

In (link-free) INSIGNIFICA:


Finally, let’s look at what I’m calling the Edible Eighties:

Donna Mills (82):

Linda Gray (80):

Martha Stewart (81):

…and especially Martha:

…that’s her “JBF” look.  Pity the fool…

And that’s all the old news for today.


  1. Regarding
    Pennsylvania is trending Republican
    As long as the Dominion voting software is counting the votes, it will alter the result to be 52 – 48 in favor of the Democrat. The number of votes doesn’t matter if they get changed when they are counted.
    (The Dominion Java code that did that was posted after the 2020 election, and then pulled)

    Voooote Haaaarder is the new opiate of the masses.

  2. Edible eighties. Good choices. Martha is looking good.

    Onto the libtards and rinos working to get Trump removed from the ballet, it’s clear now that Trump would win in a fair election and the assholes in this country don’t want him to be our leader.

    I hope when Trump wins he gives an enema to the DOJ and puts some pees in place to prosecute the real criminal shit bags of society.

    And whether Trump did or did not fuck the blonde bimbo porn Star Stephanie Clifford I don’t give a fuck. That’s none of my business

  3. Martha probably has a crafty project to do with the used condoms.

    we need a President like the argies got, only more so.

    Man cheats to get his rocks off? to paraphrase or quote Ron White, “I’m a pretty good dog but unless you pet me once in a while, it’s hard to keep me on the porch.”

    the gaulitier in Maine needs to be removed from the ballot. The communists and other dictators routinely removed their opponents from the ballot and jailed them. We’re seeing that with the racist Democrat death cult and not enough people are demanding this to stop.

    PA trends REpublican? I’ll believe it when I see an army of true conservatives elected in that state. Arlen Spector the weasel was the last Republican Senator from that I state I think.

    Sanders, like all commies, should meet his demise at the hands of the people rather than the Wuhan Flu.

    Why does anyone still live in California? Has the state become an open air mental institution with lots of farms and national parks?

    I’m shocked the college chancelor was fired. I’ surprised they weren’t teaching some disgusting class on pornography in their theater department.


  4. I love Millei. I wish it was done here in the states on a massive level too. The schadenboner I would get from watching some EPA cunt (male/female/other) have to give blow jobs in a bus station to buy bread, would be too sweet for the telling.

    I’m assuming the College Chancellor’s wife probably used to be a man. As such their porn career should be celebrated for the DEI value.

    It would be sad for Boinie to die from Covid, as opposed to being shot, after Due Process of Law.

    Red-waves, Trends, etc. The Stupid party couldn’t get laid in a $2 whorehouse with $1000 in their pocket. Candidly many of them (Susan Collins amongst them) are as bad or worse than team Jackass.

  5. Biden can be chucked off the ballot in red states for supporting BLM and Antifa during the 2016 riots.

    Just sayin’ …

  6. Regarding Pennsylvania trending Republican: They had Tom Ridge (a classmate of mine,by the way) as governor from 95-2001. Tom was a Republican. His successor was also a Republican.

  7. Re: #1
    A woman should be placed on a pedestal, just high enough that you can see up her dress.

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