Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Sent to me by several Alert Readers, there’s this happy tale.

Two masked men were shot and killed during a botched robbery in Houston’s East End on Wednesday, according to the Houston Police Department.
A preliminary investigation revealed the business owner was coming back from a bank when he was hit in the back of the head. When he turned around, he saw two masked men wearing gloves and he immediately opened fire. An employee came out, saw what was going on and also fired shots at the robbers.

There’s nothing quite like a two-fer, is there?

Proving that nobody’s ever completely satisfied, however, there’s also this:

Police said a third suspect heard the shooting and took off in a newer model black Lincoln Navigator with Texas license plate RTS-3919.

Never mind.  They’ll get to him later.

Normally I’d want to get details like guns used by the good guys, caliber etc., but I think I’ll just have an extra breakfast gin to celebrate because… two-fer.


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