Well, Yes They Are

Of course, it had to happen.  Upon seeing this lovely picture:

some professional racist said:

‘We have gone from the rich diversity of the Abbey to a terribly white balcony.’

What would have satisfied her?  A couple of token POCs drafted in off the street for the occasion?  Next thing, she’ll be suggesting that Buckingham Palace (motto:  “Even our house niggers are White”) didn’t invite Meghan Markle because of her semi-race (rather than the fact that she’s an insufferable cunt).

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, a tree is just a tree, and a picture of a White family will not contain non-Whites.

Because not everything is about race.  You fucking assholes.


  1. to the race grifters everything is about race…
    And the BBC are race grifters, and communists, they’re traitors who want to turn their country into a communist one party state, where the royal family has no place except against the wall facing a firing squad.

  2. I (a WUESA or White Urban English-speaking South African) get along fairly well with blacks, better in fact than with most of the white dickheads I have to work with. I just hate having to share a road with blacks. The mildest-mannered turn into raving psychopaths. By comparison I estimate that only half of South African whites when placed at the wheel of an automobile turn into raving psychopaths.

    1. If you think sharing a road with them is bad, try a grocery aisle.

      And Kim, to the rest of your remarks, I say “Well said, well spoken.”

  3. Ignore the haters. Life is better that way.

    Andoh sounds to be just as much of an insufferable nag as Meghan Markle. Both of them can just fuck off to over there with their nastiness.


  4. Go take a look at her. She is an ugly assed negress. She has spent all of her life hating the fact that she is a negress. She has made her behavior match her looks. The criminal media gives nasty asses like this the spotlight. Kill em all.

    1. “The criminal media gives nasty asses like this the spotlight.”

      That – that right there. I think you have hit it center-of-target, Ghost.

      I have a good friend – who happens to be black – and we are close enough friends that we talk openly and frankly about stuff like this. I once asked him, “Reggie, with all of the really smart and dedicated black folks in our country, why do black people choose goofs like Al Sharpton as their leaders?”

      He guffawed for a few minutes and then said, “Roy. What makes you think blacks in general chose those idiots. I certainly didn’t. You want to know who chose them? Look to your very own *white* press and media. They are the ones who give those people the spotlight, not us.”

      I was taken completely aback. Of course, he was right. It changed the way *I* looked at race relations.
      I’m telling you folks. The main enemy isn’t Russia or China – though they are certainly not our friends. No, the real enemy is our very own homegrown presstitutes. They will do anything to foment conflict and chaos in our country – just so they can write or broadcast about it.

      1. yup. I realised the same years ago.
        The people portrayed as the mainstream representatives of ANY minority aren’t the majority of that minority, they’re not representing that minority.
        They’re just loud screamers who claim to represent that minority and the mainstream media laps it up as gospel because of the drama potential.

        That’s how we end up with Al Sharpton being the face of black people.
        That’s how we end up with Lia Thomas and a bunch of drag queens being the face of transgender people.
        That’s how we end up with Hitler being the face of the right.
        That’s how we end up with Pol Pot being the face of the left.

        All according to how they’re portrayed by the media who want to show the entire group in a bad light, obviously.

      2. “No, the real enemy is our very own homegrown presstitutes. They will do anything to foment conflict and chaos in our country – just so they can write or broadcast about it.”

        If you think he’s kidding, right now, go turn on ANY news broadcast, local or national. Check out the top three to five news stories. You will see the Title 42 Countdown Clock, continuing inflation hurting retirees the most, drought and water shortages, famine, disease, Biden, WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!

        Years from now, as the clan gathers around the cookfires with the crumbling ruins of a major city in the gathering darkness in the background, the tribal elder will gather the young children to his side and tell them how civilization came to an end at 9:00 p.m. (MST), May 11th, 2023.

        If this isn’t a proper reason to begin some serious day drinking, I don’t know what is.

  5. And yet so many black and brown people rush to invade (err, immigrate?) into countries that are traditionally white, majority white, founded by whites, run by whites, that they threaten to turn the white majority into a white minority.

    Why is it that those non-whites want to be in white countries? Surely we can mow our own fucking lawn?


  6. Personally, I like the little girl in front doing the proper facepalm about the whole fucking thing. LOL

    1. My first thought, too. That would be Princess Caroline, 3rd in line after her older brother and her dad. She’s cute as a button and seems to have more personality than the other stiffs in the family. Probably takes after her mom. It would be lovely to see her as queen some day.

      1. Charlotte. Her job is to wrangle her younger brother Louis — no wonder she’s facepalming.

  7. Those who are steeped in the various applications of Critical Theory do not see a family photo.

    What they see is documentation of institutionalized power. As this documentation does not satisfy their sense of racial equity or racial justice, it can only be as a result of structural/systemic racism, which must be affirmatively eradicated through allegiance to the tenets of anti-racism.

    It’s all tritely formulaic, and one should call the pattern out whenever it’s encountered, until a toddler can see through it.

  8. You’ll also notice Harry is nowhere to be seen in the picture, either. Talk about an insufferable twit…..

  9. They’ve spent centuries humping their cousins so they can ensure their deviant offspring kept the crown. How the hell is diversity suppose to slip in?

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