News Roundup

Today’s sponsor:

And in other health news:

...we know, dude — ’cause most of them seem to have ended up in Texas. tossing a pebble into mud:  one small plop, no ripples, silence.

...there seems to be a lot of this going on, and it’s about time.’s almost enough to make me want to go back to shopping at Target… nah, not yet.

...I like this, if only because now they won’t be able to slip in a verse from the Koran, either. down to all my expectations of him.

...welcome to MY world.  Fuck Joe Biden.

And from INSIGNIFICA: doubt she’s all embarrassed about her wrinkles and dried-up old mimsy flaps.

  ...hook up with these guys, sweetie: …that’ll show him.

...I actually tried this, as a service to my Readers.  And it tastes as bad as you think it would.

Finally, in Paige Three News:

...I’d share the link and pics, but I refuse to be responsible for all those exploding erections.

Oh, what the hell…

And that’s it, for the news.


  1. Okay, let’s do this while the coffee is still hot. News Roundup comments:

    – On Disney: If I lived closer to the Space Coast, I’d be seriously tempted to add some soon-to-be-$5/gallon gasoline on the twisted, burning remains of what used to be a family-friendly organization.
    -On moving to Texas: Why not? It’s centrally located, the roads are reasonably good, and the airports seem to be operating fairly well. There’s lots of things to do and jobs to be had. With the exceptions of occasional tornadoes or the odd ice storm, the weather is tolerable. And if you live in one of those sh*t-hole blue states, Texas is that place you dream about when you dream of escaping. More people would come to Arizona, but they still think of us as being all dusty and sun burned like in the old ’50s Westerns.
    -Louisiana Dems going Republican: Welcome them with open arms and maybe buy them a drink, but keep in mind, they flipped once, there’s always going to be a chance they’ll flip again. Don’t tell then where your favorite fishing place is.
    -Face punching the “lady” at Target: I don’t know that I’d shop there, but I’d consider buying tickets to the fights.
    -Louden County School bastards: The world will be a better place if they were all executed in the district’s parking lot. Watch what all they’ve been doing and tell me there’s not an all-out war on families.
    -Money Stress: Who doesn’t have money stress? Elon Musk has money stress! Schools at all levels should continuously teach what to do about it and how to deal with it, but they don’t. Then, when you realize you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, you haven’t a clue what to do. Think you have problems now? Wait till you find yourself living Social Security check to Social Security check.
    -Paige Three: What can I say? She can play with my… well, you know how the line goes. Oh, come on, man! Don’t tell me you didn’t think the exact same thing!

  2. “…there seems to be a lot of this going on, and it’s about time.”
    Thus pulling the GOP further left…

    “…I like this, if only because now they won’t be able to slip in a verse from the Koran, either.”
    Delusional much? Bible verses are banned, banning Q’uran surahs is “discrimination and islamophobia”.

  3. The feral turd at Target didn’t get enough attitude adjustment. Reparations were handed out in 1864 or so with liberating the slaves and the establishment of the Freedman’s Bureau and in many social welfare programs of the twentieth century. If your ancestors made poor decisions with their reparations then that’s your tough luck. Avoid poverty by graduating high school and doing well in school, don’t have kids out of wedlock, get a job any job and do well at it to earn a better job or a promotion. I first heard those three things from Neal Boortz years ago. To add to it, #4 stay the hell out of jail and #5 don’t pick up addictive vices like smoking or drug abuse. Those vices waste your money and destroy your health.

    Disney can’t go broke fast enough. Dreadful company even before they became woke. It’s a people trap built by a rat.

    The problem I have with people moving from Blue states to Red states is that I am concerned that they’ll continue to push policies that made Blue states over taxed and over regulated hell holes with rampant crime. Will Red states like Florida and Texas start adding congress critters who turn out to be Democrats? Or are these refugees from Blue states smart enough to reject Democrat policies and that’s why they fled? Hopefully the latter is the case with the majority of transplants.

    Gotta agree with Jwenting above about the distinction made between Biblical verses and verses from the koran.

    Now for the important stuff. Whiskey and tonic? why? Perhaps this is a lingering effect of the ChiCom Flu that killed people’s senses of smell and taste. I like whiskey and I like the occasional cocktail but whiskey and tonic? During the summer I might mix some bourbon with lemonade to make an lazy whiskey sour. Thank you Kim for conducting this research for us!!


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