Update On Health Update

I have the ‘Rona:  “Breakthrough”, or whatever they’ve labeled Covid-19 v8.65.

It is, to put it politely, a motherfucker:  far worse than the variant I had last December.

As I told you I thought I’d turned the corner and started having what doctors euphemistically call “productive” coughs:  great mouthfuls of phlegm dredged out of my lungs.

False alarm.  So I went off to our family GP, Doctor Shit-For-Brains (not his real name), who tested me for strep (what I thought I had) and when that came back negative, sent the Holy Q-Tip off for a complex ‘Rona test, but said, “If I was sitting at the casino table and had to put money on ‘Rona vs. some other thing, it would all go on ‘Rona.”

So I’ve started taking the new wunderkind stuff, Paxlovid, but all it handles is the virus itself.  The razor blades in the throat when I swallow, the coughing which brings up pieces of liver never mind lung, etc. — all these have to be addressed by the Usual Suspects.

I have no voice.  When (if) I survive this shit, remind me to tell you the story of getting my Paxlovid at Shit-For-Brains II (a.k.a our various local drug stores), which is a tale to make strong men weep.

Oh, and did I tell you that one charming side-effect of Paxlovid is that your mouth tastes as though you’ve been sucking on dimes and pennies for the past month?

Worse yet, I have absolutely no energy or desire to do anything.

I will post a brief thing each morning just to reassure you that I’m still alive, but that’s about it.

Wish me luck.


  1. Sounds like covid alright. My best friend went through the same and is now (apart from constant fatigue and shortness of breath) over it after about 2 months.
    She had it worse though, spent about a week in the ICU on a breathing machine. But her body is much weaker than yours, she’s a multiple transplant patient.

    You’ll get through this, but it’s going to take a bite out of you. Forget about those marathons for at least a year.

    1. I caught ‘Rona back in early June, and gave it to my better half. The symptoms lingered in me for about six weeks, and her for going on 10 or 11 weeks because asthma. I had Paxlovid and yup, for two weeks everything tasted like I was chewing on old aluminum foil, but that did go away. My sense of taste never dulled, but I have “lost my taste” for many things … which is really odd. The last time that happened was after anesthesia for knee surgery. As others have said, this too shall pass, but it might take a while depending on your particular circumstance. The next time I’m communing with HaShem, I’ll ask him to smite some Chinese bio lab workers as a sacrifice for your rapid recovery. Best regards …

  2. Best wishes for a complete recovery. You might try picking up a bottle of zinc+quercetin to help treat the infection. The quercetin activates the zinc so it works properly – – this is why people were taking Hydroxychloroquine and Invermectin, to combine with zinc. Quercetin works just as well and you can buy the capsules at Amazon for $23.

    1. I was taking Quercetin and zinc when I first got it. May have helped a little. Invermectin and Hydroxychloroquine immediately turned things around.

  3. Get well soon, my Seffrican-Murcan friend!

    Just another brick in the wall of Science – my wife has had all the vacs, including a “special trial” thing, and has had three “infections” deemed to be the ChinaVirus. I, OTOH, have had NO vacs or sticks or nuttin’, and haven’t had anything worse than seasonal allergies.

  4. You will survive. My 2 cents is to check out the FLCCC protocol. Just supplements if not doing HCQ or I drug. But I am certain both my wife and I got thru it easier because of our strengthened immune system. Vitamin D level is key. Good luck…

    covid19criticalcare dot com

  5. Hey Kim, I know you think Australians are all cunts (because…well… we are), but best wishes mate. Hang in there.

  6. Wishing you a swift recovery. Has he mentioned Ivermectin? A PhD buddy in the industry sent me a meta-study indicating it’s very effective. But it got canceled by “science” at some point and they can’t seem to change their mind on anything, even in the face of compelling evidence.

  7. The strep throat isn’t covid. The phlegm is.

    If you now have COPD, remember what I said about the cortisone. I manage my COPD with 20 per cent lung function by taking 5 to 10 mg a week. Cost in USD about $10 a year. Keep active to assist to clear your lungs, and stay vertical rather than horizontal as much as possible. (i.e. stand-up rather than missionary.)

  8. Best wishes from occupied America my Internet friend. Try not to die — your new wife needs you.

  9. I’m sorry for your troubles Kim. Hang in there, get well and come back slashing, stabbing and ranting more than ever.
    There’s some good advice from previous posts.

  10. I was taking Quercetin and zinc when I first got it. May have helped a little. Invermectin and Hydroxychloroquine immediately turned things around.

  11. Guess I should count myself lucky, survived 3 Pfizer jabs with COPD and over 65, haven’t caught it or know of anyone round these parts that has, either. And they tell us at work that we’re in a high risk area (OKC). Get well soon and get back to babes, guns, and cars. My lottery ride would be a restomod Cord convertible, just something about it appeals.

  12. Guess I should count myself lucky, survived 3 Pfizer jabs with COPD and over 65, haven’t caught it or know of anyone round these parts that has, either. And they tell us at work that we’re in a high risk area (OKC). I did have a nasty cold the first winter of all this but I’ve tested negative ever since. Get well soon and get back to babes, guns, and cars. My lottery ride would be a restomod Cord convertible, just something about it appeals.

  13. When I had it, I called these guys:

    Had to pay out of pocket, but they prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and Invermectin – I was getting better in a day. Fully recovered in a week. Paxlovid does not seem to work well and many people get the “bounce-back” like you did.

  14. Just had bout two of the Fauci Flu last week. Was diagnosed paxlovid. It did work but I was taking invermectin before that. Take the pills after eating and that helps on the aftertaste.

    Get better soon.

  15. Get well quickly, Good Sir! If you should die, it should be with the broken and bloody bodies of your enemies at your feet, with bombs exploding and bugles blaring all around you, not from some damn bug or another.

  16. Bear in mind that Paxlovid is what the .gov connected medical idiots push, instead of Invermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which have actual good results outside the western world medical complex.

  17. Get well both of you. As to the swallowing razorblades pain in throat, had that and the non productive cough for 2 weeks before it diminished. Took to swallowing hot water with honey to survive. Sleep deprived because of it for those 2 weeks, all gone now a month later.

    If you need Ivermectin or Zithropak, order it from India by post – not that I know anything about anything – this is all hearsay by a little birdie that mentioned sales@laventerprise dot org

    Recover quick

  18. Good luck and get well, Kim. I caught it myself the Monday before Easter weekend, scuttling my plans to judge a dog show and pick up a puppy, dammit. I’m double vaxxed and single boosted, which kept the symptoms down to a dull five-day light-flu-type roar, but it still sucked, and it left me with lingering bronchitis for a couple of months thereafter.

    Oh, also: I called my doctor the day I tested myself, got his PA’s voicemail, never got a callback. Grr

    It’s nothing to sneeze at, if you’ll forgive the reference to upper-respiratory maladies.

  19. Yeah I’d find some dude to smuggle you in some ivermectine stat. I got the Wuhan and figured it out after couple of days. Started the iver thing immediately(1 1/2 ml/150# body weight) for five days and pretty much lost any symptoms after two days. The fun thing is that the iver pretty much kills any other parasites in your system as well as the virus.

  20. Yeah I’d find some dude to smuggle you in some ivermectine stat. I got the Wuhan and figured it out after couple of days. Started the iver thing immediately(1 1/2 ml/150# body weight) for five days and pretty much lost any symptoms after two days. The fun thing is that the iver pretty much kills any other parasites in your system as well as the virus. Should be able to find the stuff at any good feed store out there. Get the liquid if you can, much easier to dose with.

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