1. I don’t think any company would build them without taxpayers’ money to subsidize them. It is virtue signalling on a huge scale. Maybe a few solar panels would do the trick, if they weren’t covered with snow up here in the north.
    I think there is still some oil in Texas to be found, though.

  2. There is a study a while back that measured the output of the windmills in the heat of the summer overlaid with peak demand. The two waves were completely out of phase. When Texas needed the most power, in the heat of the day, the windmills weren’t turning because the air wasn’t moving.

    Now, when we need power most they aren’t turning.

    Luckily for me the powers been on, 24 hours. On the radio they were talking about the different rich neighborhoods that hadn’t had a power failure, even though Oncor has millions out. There were murmurs starting that the rich people didn’t have to do without.

    I was chatting with my son-in-law about this since they are over because their powers out, has nothing to do with anything the density. My neighborhood here in Richardson is only about his third as dense as there’s is in Garland. Lower load over all. An older neighborhood, we have more gas heat. I don’t think I looked at a single house this entire city that was all electric.

    1. And a lot of people in those richer areas have solar panels, diesel generators, battery banks, and things like that as backups.
      Poorer areas, not so much as the people there can’t afford all of that.

  3. Texas has a lot of lawyers and lobbyists skilled at getting really good deals for the energy bidness. They honed their skills on gas and oil, and saw opportunity in the wind.

    Hired gunslingers like lawyers, lobbyists and the legislators said lobbyists hire don’t always care whether the energy source in question was a good idea or not.

  4. Three or four lives ago (why do my stories always start that way?) I did a series of seminars for our corporate building managers on energy conservation. I came across an old black and white promotional film that was made by the Consolidated Edison power company – the guys who supply NYC. The film advertised their Indian Point nuclear power plant. The most ridiculous line of the film was the claim that power supplied by the nuke plant would be so cheap that they wouldn’t have to meter it. I’m not sure how they planned to recover the construction costs when they made a statement like that, but I know that New York City has one of the highest utility costs in the country. No such thing as a free lunch. Unfortunately the snowflakes believe in free lunches and vote for them.

    1. 2 of the 3 units at Indian Point have been decommissioned, the third is set to go under in April.
      Candles to be distributed shortly.

  5. I will note that my county, Brazos County, is shown in red, and my utility, Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU) has had nasty outages. My power has been out more than on.

    From what I know, BTU runs a surplus in its production, and their plants have been running at full capacity. According to BTU, during normal power emergency scenarios, they plan for ERCOT to ask for 9 MW from BTU. This would result in brief rolling outages, usually 15-30 minutes, 45 at most.

    ERCOT is requiring 100 MW. That’s roughly 1/3 of BTUs entire generating capacity. This has resulted in power being out for large portions of the county for several hours at a time.

  6. It isn’t the cost of the plant; it’s all the regulatory cost and other taxes. And those have only gotten higher.

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