News Roundup

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More on gas, later.

...ah, lemme guess:  all in Lauren Boebert’s district?

...Texas and Arizona didn’t ask for it either;  yet here we are.

...race hustlers gotta stick together, you see.

...I’m thinking nonstop scourging until his GoFundMe raises the hundred grand.

...but remember: the injured have access to free healthcare. California, New York and Illinois take note.

...yep, if there’s going to be raping, it’s better to have the official peacekeepers do it.

...LOL mediocrity would actually be an improvement.




your guy couldn’t wait, huh? The background story is even funnier.

Okay, I was going to post some pics of Paige Spirinac because, well, Paige Spirinac.  However, in my travels through The Intarwebz, I happened upon someone named Taylor Cusack, so in the interests of Diversiteh:

And that’s all the news from the world of golf.  But aaaaaargh wait:

...this calls for some drastic action.


Monday Funnies

So, ignoring the pussy, let’s get going…

And here’s a little blast from the past, back before there was digital, and all we had was low-res, washed-out Polaroids:

Just seems like a more innocent time, dunnit?

Classic Beauty: Sophia Loren (1)

Let’s move away from the silent era to more modern times, e.g. Sophia Loren (who needs no introduction to Longtime Readers).  This week, we’ll look at some B/W pics, and next week, color.  Here we go:

A lot of the above can be right-clicked to embiggen… if you absolutely have to.

As the saying goes:  “I would lick the beach sand off her feet, and die a happy man.”  (I don’t know who said that;  it might have been me.)

“Dream Cars” For Sale

Never mind the money or the maintenance costs;  I’m not sure that I’d want any of the cars in this collection.

If pressed, I’d go with the Ferrari 288 GTO:

…simply because it was the last of the “slimline” Ferraris (before they got as fat as the Ford F-350 dually).

Feel free to weigh in with your choice(s).  (People who are satisfied with their Toyota pickup or Ford Taurus need not participate.)

Different Planet

I see this little snippet:

Prices paid by U.S. households surged higher in September as a wide range of goods and services became more expensive.

Prices rose 8.2 percent compared with a year earlier, the latest Consumer Price Index showed on Tuesday, evidence that the price stability sought by the Federal Reserve remains an elusive and distant destination.

…and I ask myself:  where the hell does that 8.2% come from?

Way I see it, inflation should be measured across categories which hit the average person the hardest:  food, fuel and utilities (FFU).  All the rest are pretty much non-essential, other than in an emergency situation.

In my case, when I scrutinize my budgeted vs. actual expenses spreadsheet, the FFU inflation is running at about 23%, comparing the latest two months of this year’s expenditures to the same two months of last year.  Gasoline costs, of course, are about 28% higher, even with me cutting back on my driving;  food is about 20% higher (once again, “buying down” in terms of quality/quantities), and utilities are about 15% higher (and Aug/Sep was actually warmer in 2021 than this year).

None of the above is even close to the “8.2%” (LOL) that all these shitheads are talking about.

We are being lied to, and I really don’t like it.