
Victor Davis Hanson delivers an almighty spanking on America’s well-deserving backside:

Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee.

They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man-hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift consumption, racial and gender fixations, warped science, suicidal surveillance, and commissariat indoctrination.

Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment—all the reasons why America will no longer dominate the world.

As with all VDH’s musings, you must read them all.

Snowflake Warning


One of Thomas Hardy’s most popular novels now comes with a trigger warning after students were told it contains ‘upsetting scenes’ about the ‘cruelty of nature’ and ‘rural life’.
‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, which depicts the brutal reality of Victorian rural life, has been slapped with a content warning by the University of Warwick.

Erm, I hate to break it to you, but pretty much Hardy’s entire opus  was dedicated to exposing the above cruelty of nature and rural life.  His main target, however, was the stifling effect of Victorian Britain’s rigid class structure on the human spirit, made all the worse by rural life — there was no escape for the “low-born”, and they were condemned to a hopeless and brutal existence (e.g. The Woodlanders).

And Madding and Woodlanders are far from the worst;  wait till these snowflakes get to The Mayor of Casterbridge, where they’ll see the horrifying consequences of a single immoral action.

I think I’ll go and re-read the above three, just for fun.

Here We Go Again

Oh joy.  From some guy I’ve never heard of before, by email:

people are laughing at you

Well, I went over there and listened to some of it (it’s over half an hour long, FFS), and it strikes me as some snowflake taking issue with me and my writings, along with the usual ad hominem attacks and such.

Apparently, my irritation and blunt opinions are Just Too Much for this shrinking violet and his adoring cohort of camp followers.

My response, of course, was along the lines of “If I actually cared about some whiny Millennial’s opinion of me, I might be worried.”

Seriously; go along and have a listen. Try not to laugh.

Oh, and this Mahmood Tajbakhsh (at guy used this as the subject of his email: “Sporterized Persian Mauser”.

I’d put money on the likelihood that he doesn’t even know what that is.

Language Nannies

And then there’s this development:

Google has announced the launch of an “inclusive language” function to help users eliminate politically incorrect words and expressions. The feature is being introduced initially to Google’s “enterprise-level” users and will include both warnings and suggestions as part of Google’s new assisted writing features in Google Docs.
Typing in the word “landlord,” for instance, generates a warning the term “may not be inclusive to all readers” as well as the suggestion to replace the offensive locution with “property owner” or “proprietor.”

Similarly, Google takes issue with the word “mankind” and proposes substituting it with the more appropriate “humankind.” Use of “policemen” and “housewife” provokes a correction as well, and Google will urge replacing them with the gender-neutral “police officers” and “stay-at-home spouse.”

Curiously, the new software seems targeted only at a specific sort of communication infractions.

How nice.  Wait till this feature turns into “obligatory” rather than just “advisory”…

My message to Google:  take your wokist nonsense and stick it up your excretion aperture.

Oh, and fuck you.  And your poxy email.

Old News

Here’s a lovely one from Woke Disney:

Disney began an extensive review of its film library as it prepared to introduce the streaming service in 2019, according to a New York Times report. As part of the initiative, called Stories Matter, Disney added disclaimers to classic movies for containing “negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

The Stories Matter team privately flagged certain characters as potentially problematic, with the findings distributed to senior Disney leaders, two current Disney executive told the Times.

One of them was Tinker Bell, who raised concern because she is “body conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention, according to the executives.  Captain Hook was another potential liability because he could expose Disney to accusations of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities because he is a villain.

Disney also flagged Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid, saying her dark complexion could be construed as racist and her flamboyant mannerisms could come across as “queer coded,” or homophobic.

Fucking hell.  There is just no end to this bullshit.

Anyway, I don’t know about Hook and Ursula, but Tink has always been problematic for Disney, especially at the hands of the brilliant satiric (satyric?) artist Julius Zimmerman (warning:  link is so NSFW you could face termination of the extreme kind, let alone just the loss of your job or your eyesight).

Disney is whizzing beyond comedy into self-parody faster than the speed of a single cartoon cel through a projector.

And Disney?  Your stories don’t matter as much as you think they do.

Entitled — Not

Here’s one that’ll make you shake your head:

Ringo Starr’s granddaughter moans to court she earns £800 a month in a café… while Beatles star is worth £265million

Note the sense of entitlement;  he’s got it, lots of it, and she should get some because he’s her grandaddy.  (Note that she’s one of eight grandchildren, the other seven of which we hear not a word.)

Of course, Ringo worked his ass off to earn the money (and to keep it;  remember that the Beatles broke up in 1970, and many a fortune’s been lost in less time than fifty-odd years).

Unsurprisingly (and unlike Ringo), this little totty is pretty much a drag on society, to whit:

[Ringo’s son Zack Starkey] married Tatia’s mother Sarah Medikides when she was born in 1985 – the first of Starr’s eight grandchildren.  In 2016, [Tatia] herself had a child with Adam Low, making Starr a great-grandfather.

So, to recap:  single mother in her mid-30s, mediocre musician, waitress, already coining well over a grand a month from Grandpa Ringo, and whining about the Unfairness Of It All.

Too sad for words.

By the way, here’s Granddad at age 75, still performing.  And his buddies are from the following bands:  Santana, Toto, Billy Joel, Mr. Mister, ELO, and of course there’s Mr. Todd Rundgren.  Not bad company… and Our Tatia probably thinks she deserves a spot in the band, ahead of (ahem) Richard Page of Mr. Mister.

Okay, I couldn’t stand it.  Here’s Africa, played by those same buddies.