Family Tree

We’re all used to “non-White” women who turn out to be, well, snow White (Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal, to name but a couple).

How about a “descendant of slaves” radical Marxist Black activist whose actual ancestor was one of the Mayflower Pilgrims?

It’s not often a news item gets me chuckling, but this one sure as hell did.

Missing The Point, Somewhat?

You see, I always thought that wind vanes were supposed to generate power.  Silly me:

Scotland’s green-obsessed left-separatist government has been left with egg on its face by revelations that dozens of gigantic onshore wind turbines are having to be hooked up to diesel generators, leaking thousands of litres of hydraulic oil into the countryside.

All this because — and I know this will come as a shock to many — Scotland is fucking cold during winter, and the turbines can’t function despite the fact that Scotland is also fucking windy (all the time), as attested to by Combat Controller and Doc Russia during a fall hunt in the Cairngorms.

I think that to be fair, it should have been mandated that fall-back protections for the turbines had to be powered not by diesel engines but by solar energy (something that Scotland does not have a lot of, at any time of year).

The only way we’re ever going to eliminate all this Green bullshit is if we constantly rub the Greens’ noses in the shit every single time their policies fail, and make them live with the consequences.

Oh, That’s Okay Then

I am truly heartened that no less luminary than Nicholas Fuckface Kristof of the NYFT  has promised, cross his little Commie heart, that Gun Confiscators Inc. has no intention of messing with my sporting activities.

Thus we should reassure gun owners that we’re not going to come after their deer rifles or bird guns. That makes it politically easier to build a consensus on steps to keep dangerous people from lethal weapons like 9-millimeter handguns.

Ummm no, sorry.  And let’s not be sidetracked by the “dangerous people” trope, because only he (or the “authorities”) will get to define what constitutes “dangerous”.  If he means “criminals”, well, that’s already illegal (for all the good it does in stopping criminals from getting hold of guns).

No, let’s be in no doubt that his (and no doubt the Gummint’s) definition of “dangerous” will, with absolute certainty, include people like me, with our “dangerous” views on Second Amendment rights.

Not that I care — at least in the 9-millimeter sense — because I prefer the manly .45 ACP and .357 Mag calibers over the Europellet anyway but even in jest, let’s not give him and his kind the benefit of the doubt on this, because we know they’re all fucking liars, and they consider any cartridge objectionable.

Kristof, if you think that your transparent little platitude is going to win over the “only hunters” group (a.k.a. the “Fudds”, as we call them), you could not possibly be more wrong, and your efforts to confiscate / ban guns of any description will never be “politically easier”.

So fuck off and die, because we’re not ever going to compromise on the gun issue — 20,000+ existing gun laws means that we’ve already (over-) compromised — and your job from here on is going to be progressively [sic]  more difficult, actually impossible.

That’s our promise to you.

Missed A Couple

The bad 170, according to Fatboi Pritzker’s Illannoy.

This is just going to drive up the prices of Garands, M1 Carbines, ordinary SKS rifle, and so on.

That said:  it’s not gonna stop there.

The list of about 170 different semi-automatic guns now banned in Illinois could change with state police granted the authority to update the list “as needed.”

Possession of guns legally purchased before Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the measure Tuesday are grandfathered in, but owners must eventually register each weapon’s serial number. Illinois State Police are to develop the registry with gun owners required to comply by Jan. 1, 2024. Violations could be a Class 2 felony.
