Only One?

(Note: this whole post was “triggered” by this article)

The open secret among us conservatives is the “one bullet” game in which you are asked, “If you had one shot you could take at someone, with a free pass, who would get the bullet?”

This causes a great deal of reflection among the more thoughtful of us, with much wailing and cursing because the Left offers us, shall we say, an absolute cornucopia of choices.  (And I sympathize:  I myself would need at least a case of 7.62x39mm to lance the various boils on our national and international polity.)

The choice is a tough one, especially where one is presented with a local option — e.g. one of the Soros prosecutors like that asshole in L.A. — or a national one, like Hillary Clinton, or even an international one like the aforementioned Soros, or Bill Gates.  Each of the three categories has much to recommend it, of course, but I would argue against the local option because it’s far too easy for the Left to find a similar, or even worse replacement.

No;  the way forward is a national or international target, provided that the international one is spreading his or her malignity into our own United States (which would exclude the perpetually-horrible Tony Blair, for instance, but make George Soros a front-runner).

Forgive me for being a tad parochial on that point, but given the disproportionate effect that our nation has on the world in general, I think it’s a defensible position.

And I’m not going to play this game here today — it’s far better played in person among friends and fellow conservatives, where spirited arguments can rage (and have done so, I suspect) in favor of each person’s nomination.  And please take note:  I’d rather that nobody played the game in my Comments section too, but I’m not in the business of telling people what they can and can’t write.

I should also point out that among conservatives, “One Bullet” is pretty much a game (albeit, perhaps, in questionable taste).  For the Left, however, the Enemy Elimination List is almost certainly lying in some DHS / FBI bureaucrat’s drawer somewhere, awaiting implementation.

Forewarned Means Nothing

Like nobody could see this coming.  From Buffalo NY:

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after.”

This led to a referral for the troubled teen to a mental health evaluation.

[But] Gendron was later able to purchase firearms in the state.

I was told that NY had the strictest gun-purchasing laws in the U.S., and their politicians are always wailing about criminals getting their guns from out of state.

Not our boy Payton.  Bought his AR-15 right there near his home town in NY, and then went a-hunting at a supermarket 200 miles away.

He should be executed, of course (and Charles Lehman agrees with me), but he won’t be.

Instead, we’ll be told that blame for this little episode lies with the gun / White supremacists / the NRA / Tucker Carlson / websites like this one, etc., instead of with a troubled kid and the authorities who knew all about him and did nothing.

And if the above seems a trifle strong to you, see what City Journal suggests.


Poor bastards.

A new national gun surrender will allow people to anonymously hand in weapons and ammunition including heirlooms, shotguns and antique revolvers, as well as illegal stun guns and gas-firing blank pistols bought overseas.

“They can do that anonymously and there will be an amnesty for them in order to transport that weapon or be in possession of that weapon at the point they surrender it.

“No-one needs to be concerned about walking into a station or contacting their local force.

“We don’t need to know your name, we don’t need to know how you came into possession of it, all we need you to do is give us the gun.”

Makes me sick.  Fucking totalitarian assholes.

Monday Funnies

Yeah, it’s Monday:

So on we go, trying to make sense of it all… through philosophy:

And speaking of grannies, here are a few recent pics of Jane Seymour (71):


And if she can do it, so can you.