Another Stupid Survey

You can go ahead and read the silly thing, which as always is crammed full of utter nonsense… but this is more honest:

Kim’s 10 Best Reasons For Having Sex

  1. money
  2. fulfilling a longtime fantasy
  3. the kids are at Nana’s house
  4. you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be making a mistake
  5. you’re out of town on business
  6. you mistakenly popped a Viagra instead of your vitamin tablet
  7. the game’s been called off because of rain
  8. you’re both drunk and she’s keen
  9. the hotel’s Housekeeping will have to clean up the mess
  10. family reunions don’t happen every day, you know.

…and by the way, it’s even better if you can combine any of the above into one really good reason.

Feel free to add your suggestions in Comments…


Here’s a fun little intellectual exercise:

Letting meat eaters drown is ethical because of the suffering they cause to animals, an Oxford University academic has controversially argued.

There’s nothing “controversial” about it.  His only supporters are going to be rabid vegans, and other so-called intellectuals, whereas the rest of us would drive him from the village, pelting him with stones and rotten fruit on his way out.  Apart from the chilling indifference, the application of such a judgmental credo in a life-or-death situation is not only awful but contrary to human nature.  (One can only imagine the “HHHAAATTTERRRR!” abuse that would come my way if I were to suggest that letting vegans drown under similar situations would at least lower the shrillness of society’s ambient background noise…)

That said, if I came upon said asshole burning to death in the street, I might actually pause for a moment before pissing on him to extinguish the flames, so maybe I’m not much better than he is.

By the way, here’s another little intellectual exercise for you.  Ignoring his nationality for a moment, do you think this bastard’s philosophy would be found more often in Democrat, or Republican voters?

Food for thought.