When Totalitarians Gather

From the gathering of bastards at Davos, the latest little bit of mischief comes from Oily Little Shit Tony Blair:

“I think there is a huge impetus for a national digital infrastructure, digitisation in healthcare is one of the great game changers, we should be helping countries develop a national digital infrastructure, which they will need with these new vaccines.”

Impetus among statist motherfuckers like Blair, that is.  And from his replacement Commie Bastard in Britishland:

The leader of the opposition Labour Party and the odds-on favourite to become the next prime minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Keir Starmer, said that he prefers Davos over Westminster.
“It’s closed and we are not having meaning… once you get out of Westminster, whether it’s Davos or anywhere else, you actually engage with people that you can see working with in the future. Westminster is just a tribal, shouting place.”

Of course, it’s far easier to enact oppression when there’s no “shouted opposition” — just ask Adolf Hitler, whose favorite political tool was the Enabling Act of 1933.

And you think that the WEF attendees aren’t just drooling for similar legislation in their own countries, you’re deluding yourself.

Why are these fascist bastards still alive?  Asking for a friend.

News Roundup

Brought to you by:

…the miracle lubricant of politics.  And speaking of shit-heads:

with respect to the Divine Sarah, Jackson Lee has never read anything, because she is at best illiterate.  As always, the Clown Princess of Congress reminds us that she is still the dumbest politician ever elected (and reelected, and reelected, and reelected because Houston).

...she hasn’t been elected to anything, thankfully, but this dumbass could give Sheila Jackson Lee a run for her money.

...I’m putting my trust in a fresh pandemic of untreatable and deadly venereal disease.

...so that “One Child” thing really worked for you Commie assholes, huh?

...no, the barky little shit gave up acting because nobody wanted to give him any more work.

...that’s an easy one:  while they’re bonking a coworker on the boss’s desk.

...find them, flog them, then hang them.

...and same for this little shit.

...isn’t it a little late to be finding all this out, Gammy Madge?

...that battery-acid taste being such an essential element of Coke’s flavor.

...forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown New Mexico.

Which brings us to INSIGNIFICA:


And in the ever-popular Paige Three Dept.:

...I have no words.

And that’s all the news I can stomach [sic].


Looks like the Socialists are starting the process of ditching Biden, via the whole “illegal classified documents route” (as opposed to just handing it over to the Clintons for an accident / suicide):

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union that President Joe Biden bore “ultimate responsibility” for the classified material found at his home and office.
“Let’s be honest about it — when that information is found. It diminishes the stature of any person in possession of them. It’s not supposed to happen. Whether it was the fault of a staffer or an attorney, it makes no difference. The elected official bears ultimate responsibility.”

Yeah;  slime him, have his disciples quit on him, leave him isolated, start the process of anointing his successor (TBD, but most likely a sitting Democrat Governor).

Textbook political assassination.

Minor Leagues

As Loyal Readers know, when it comes to auto racing I’m a devotee of Formula 1, with only the occasional branch line into Le Mans and WEC.

Therefore I have been unaware of the kind of driver in the “lesser” racing formats, and have therefore missed a couple of good ones.

First up, let’s look at Lindsey Brewer:

Then we have Toni Breidinger:


Finally, the “old lady” (b. 1989) of this genre, Shannon McIntosh:


I need to stop being so closed-minded about this racing thing, and broaden my horizons a little, so to speak.