Monday Funnies

Yep… Monday, in a nutsack.  Meanwhile, on the Funny Front:

As my friend Patterson says:  “Most days, I don’t even want sex.  Just… silence.”

And just a teeny detour with a little something for our OCD friends:

And back we go to our scheduled programming:

And speaking of long drinks of water on a sunny day, here’s some Robert McGinniss mcgoodness:

Now finish dressing and head off into Monday.


  1. I believe it was Rudyard Kipling who said something like “you can never have too many red wines, too many books or too much ammunition.” I just replace the red wine with whiskey. For books I have been chipping away at your list of home school books Kim and some outdoor writers like Skeeter Skelton, Jeff Cooper, Elmer Keith, Jack O’Connor and any of the classics I can obtain.

    The only time I think you could come close to having too much ammunition is if your house is on fire or you’re trying to swim.

    1. I’ve said “The only time you have too much ammunition is when you’re trying to swim with it or your house is on fire.”

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