Irony Defined

Here’s an unfortunate train of events.  When examining Chris Rea’s Driving Home For Christmas song, scientists at the University of Sheffield in the UK found the following (links included):

Well, yes.  That “carbon footprint reduction” thing is doubleplus virtuous, of course.

However, as with all ivory-tower cogitations, Real Life™ has an unfortunate knack for making such conclusions look ridiculous:

Needless to say, the Eco-Loons don’t care, because not being able to visit your family at all on Christmas means that your carbon footprint would be lower still.

Which is why scientists should stick to things like discovering a better adhesive that sticks wood to metal, or improving the taste of Slim Jims (to give but two examples), instead of trying to add to the Smug Index of Virtuousness.

Just a thought.

Then again, we have another solution for this bunch of wokey watermelons, to make their carbon footprint go away completely:

…but no doubt someone is going to have a problem with this.


  1. “no doubt someone is going to have a problem with this”
    And many – including myself – won’t.
    Treason is treason and the usual penalty is execution by some means.
    Thinking a bit on it, perhaps a guillotine would be better than hanging – the crowds love blood.

  2. global cooling was predicted in the 70s and was wrong. Then we had acid rain in the 80s. never heard anything more of it. then global warming now they changed again to global climate change caused by people. This last one is just vague so the environmental watermelons, green on the outside red commies on the inside, can claim they were right regardless of the weather.

    Then the environmental lunatics, emphasis on the mental, make outrageous claims that we’ll run out of oil, certain animals will be killed off, the seas will rise etc . These never happen. Their record of failure is only surpassed by that of their cousins, the communists.

    Much of north america was once covered in deep sheets of ice. I think the planet goes in cycles just like it does each year with four seasons.


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