Another Brick In The Wall?

This is interesting:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill making Texas the first state in the union to give law enforcement officers the authority to arrest migrants who illegally enter the state.

I hope we have enough prison space, is all.

Or perhaps we could concentrate all these lawbreakers in, I dunno, camps of some sort?

Just thinking aloud here, Boss.

The “interesting” part is how the FedGov will react to this.


  1. I kinda wonder about this. If the law is necessary to overcome the constitutional supremacy principle, then Texas isn’t a state, but a county. If Texas is truly the Lone Star Republic, then the state already has the power to defend itself against foreign invaders and the FedGov can go pound sand. (Direct from the banks of the Rio Grande.)

  2. Austin is a sanctuary city, no?

    And the State owns the University of Texas?

    So instead of “camps”, house them on “campus”.

  3. Ship them to Taiwan and bring back an equal number of Taiwanese volunteers. This will please Ji, as it will reduce the number of (soon to be) dissidents.

  4. Article IV, secton 4 of the Constitution states (in part) “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…” and Texas, as well as New Mexico, Arizona, and California, are certainly being invaded. If the Federal government fails in this duty what’s a state to do? Just lie there and take it? No! Governor Abbot is doing the right thing, and if it stirs them up in the D.C swamp, that’s a fine thing too. It’s long past time they got off their asses, and started enforcing immigration laws and deporting those who have entered this country illegally.

    1. But, if they rounded them up and deported them, they’d have to vote absentee in Nov’s election.

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