One More Kindred Spirit

My loathing for seagulls has been well documented (here, for example), so when I saw this little snippet, I was mightily pleased, oh yes I was:

A blue plaque has been installed to commemorate a man made famous – for swearing at seagulls.

The honour was cheekily bestowed on Huw Davies – who was renowned for shooing the pesky birds away with expletives.

Huw, from Aberystwyth in Wales, was previously honored with a joke plaque on his favourite bench when he passed away.

And the new one (which is not as funny because OMG swearwords doubleplusungood):

I wish that I could achieve such fame, for so trivial a cause.

I suspect that

Kim du Toit
Used to sit here and shout
FUCK OFF!!! at authority figures

would be tripleplusungood, even though it’s a very accurate summation of my lifelong attitude.

But yet, we persevere.


  1. [I wrote this to the VanLiving Forum after a poster complained about always getting searched on her way into California…]
    In California, the bug-shack uniforms —
    for other than commercial rigs — rely on voluntary ‘self-reporting’:
    Meek traveler, meekly holding half-ate snack — “I bought this tuna sandwich at the Wal*Mart in Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see…”
    Authority Complex drone — “Confiscate!, Confiscate!, everybody must comply!, Rules!, strict Rules!, Confiscate!”
    Winds aloft carry Afrikan spiders to Antarctica, Asian cockroaches to Hawai’i.
    I have zero confidence in some arbitrary scrawl scribbled on a paper map as a barrier to stop airborne bugs in Arizona/Baja/Nevada from migrating to California.
    If, on the other hand, their intent is intimidation, how would you rate their success?
    Wait, we don’t need to rate them, their press-release tells us everything we need to know.
    I wonder about the Authority Complex.
    Do they honestly truly believe, in their secret heart of hearts, anybody cares if they would all slowly melt away to nothing, a misdirected splash of water on The Wicked Witch Of The West.

  2. You know, I think if our dear host would pick out a park bench, a plaque could be arranged.

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