News Roundup

Speaking of rancid, malodorous women, here’s a prime example:

...because of course she would, the Commie bitch.  More from the Commies:

...which is no doubt why he married Michelle, or “Mike” (as she used to be known).

And still more from the Commies:

...demonstrating yet again why they should be pushed out of helicopters at 10,000 ft.

From the Dept. of Cultural Assimilation:

...perhaps if this MexPres did more to stop these assholes from trying to swim over… but then again, he’s just trying to get rid of this scum:

...and did they shoot any of them dead?  No.  Are we disappointed?  Yes.

...which seems to be the answer.  The police don’t agree, but they’re wrong.

In related Lawn Ordure News:

...because that might actually stop some of the riots, and they’d lose all that overtime pay.

In Medical News:

More Health News:

...serves them right for a) being triathletes and b) doing it in Sunderland.

Which leads to more Sports News:

And a slightly different kind of sport:

...some would say we need more Christians like this.  I report, you decide.

Still talking about an alternative sport:

...and the solution:

(see here for the background)

And now from the link-free INSIGNIFICA files:

  ...just get married.  That’ll end it.

And in one last piece of sorta-sporting news:

...oooh, mommy:

And doing her best Barbie impression:

A good way to end the news.


  1. Re: Sweden’s Vigilantes….

    The linked article has this paragraph:
    “Videos have since been posted on social media showing the vigilantes chasing addicts, while some addicts were found in parts of Husby badly beaten.” I quickly read it and ignored the last four words; it made the story more interesting.

  2. awright, helicopters at 10k feet. Do we need to waste time and fuel by going up that high? wouldn’t a couple of hundred feet do the trick?

    Sounds like we need far more buoys. Whoever is the head of Mexico can just STFU. They may put a new imbecile in charge but their policies of enabling migrants to go through their country and flop in the US doesn’t change. Until it does, they can all go rot in the bowels of hell. If they don’t want to play ball to keep illegal migrants from crossing through their country to the US then we need to play hardball. Put a 50% tax on all funds sent to Mexico. That ought to harm their economy.

    Jeff Cooper said something to the effect of “Criminals do not fear the police or legal system so if we want criminals to stopy plying their craft, they must learn to fear the armed citizen.” Thank God the Swedes have caught on.

    violent mob breaks out in NYC, good. I hope they do more to either educate the citizenry in NYC that voting for Democrats is bad or drives more good poeple out of NYC.

    Paige Spiranac, ok ok I’ll go shopping for clubs already. and where do I get one of those spiders in austria?

  3. I object to your suggestion of a steam roller for those who glued themselves to the road. It would leave a huge slick spot, very dangerous to racing bikes.

    Instead, tie a tourniquet around their arms to minimize the mess, then remove their hands or any other glued parts with an angle grinder, grinding them down flat to the road. There will still be a bit of a slick, but it’s small and can be handled if the bicyclist pays attention. If the “protesters” die of shock in spite of only losing a couple ounces of blood, you’re doing it right.

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