1. Do NOT look directly at the creature, only through a mirror unless you be made of stone.

  2. The villain of the latest “Riddick” franchise movie waits for Wardrobe to begin costuming.

  3. Nice to see a revival of Greek Tragedies has kicked off with casting calls for the role of Medusa. (un)fortunately Hillary Benghazi Clinton’s schedule conflicts with production and Helen Thomas won’t be down for breakfast

  4. Channeling my inner The Critical Drinker…. “Cruella deVil for ‘Modern Audiences’ will proudly stick to ‘The Message'”.

  5. “You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Well, then who the hell else are you talking – You talking to me? Well, I’m the only one here. Who the f**k do you think you’re talking to?”

  6. [David Attenborough voice]
    “… and as we saw with the Poisonous Shrew, nature often warns of a particularly virulent specimen, not something to be trifled with…”
    (And ‘yes’, I am familiar with the grammar axiom:
    * A preposition is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.)

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