Pants, Pants, Burning Bright

Here’s one who should go close to the head of the line when it comes time for visiting the Great Tree:

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed that he doesn’t know how many assets his agency had on the ground on January 6—or whether there were any at all.

I’m old enough to remember when it was a crime or something to lie under oath.  “Perjamas”?  “Purgeworthy”?

Whatever, this asshole should hang third from left.


  1. I just wish someone would pose the question this way –

    “it’s been well over 3 years since January 6th. In that time you claim no one ever discussed the presence of Federal Agents in the crowd outside the Capitol building with you, and no one ever discussed with you the number of said agents or their movements during the time period of the incident.

    If that is truly the case I submit you are either a liar, or incompetent, and either way should be relieved of duty. I’ll let the distinguished lying sack of shit select which answer best applies.

    As a further suggestion to the person who will take your job, the Bureau might apply the diligence tracking their employees position in Washington that day by scraping cell phone records and financial records in the same fashion they tracked down the various insurrectionist grandparents they now have in custody awaiting trial in violation of their Constitutional rights.”

  2. My advancing years and declining health are beginning to limit the number of things I would like to see before my time is up. One thing I would surely like to see is an end to these damn seemingly unproductive hearings. Merrick Garland is a twisted, angry individual who will never be satisfied that he did not get a seat on the Supremes. He will stonewall and lie until he is physically dragged from his office and stuffed into a patrol car.

    I could go on with example on example, but why bother?

    Hunter Biden, who in my opinion is of less use than what you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe after an unlucky step, will NEVER be indicted/convicted/imprisoned as long as “The Big Guy” is in the Oval Office. It is my opinion also (probably thanks to Doctor Jill) that Gropin’ Joe’s successor will agree to pardon the whole evil bunch of them as a condition to replace that stumbling octogenarian.

    The Biden crime cartel has been in action for way too long and (if they had any sense) spent part of their efforts gathering information on their possible opponents. When you have embarrassing dirt on someone, they will be more inclined to see things your way.

    And I won’t be holding my breath waiting for any of these yahoos to be impeached, either. Why? What good would it do? Just more excuses for long-winded gasbags to burn up broadcast time for their own personal goals. What would it accomplish? As long as the House and Senate are controlled by different parties, whatever might be accomplished in one body will be blocked in the other.

    In my fevered brain, I dream of seeing something like Elliot Ness raids on various government offices, with the evil doers perishing in a hail of machine gun bullets.

    I think it’s time for my pills now.

    1. “When you have embarrassing dirt on someone, they will be more inclined to see things your way.” This is exactly how J. Edgar Hoover stayed in office until his dying day.

      And yes, the story is not about Hunter Biden. He is merely the bag man and conduit, and sometimes the mouthpiece for the Biden Crime Syndicate.

  3. DY said what I’ve been saying as well, about far more than just a few of our
    There are far too many cases where this should be stated before ‘popping’ the
    question –
    ‘If you are a) too intelligent to believe what you are saying and know it to be false,
    then you are a liar or B) if you truly believe that what you are saying then you are too damn stupid to hold your current job. There is NO ‘door number three. It HAS TO BE one or the other. Now which is it ?’

  4. I think it is time that the Speaker of the House directed the Sargeant at Arms to renovate the cells which I understand, still exist in the basement of the building.
    And when a Wray or Garland lies to a Committee, the Committee may, by vote, find said liar obstructive and in contempt, and have him held, until he purges his contempt. He can have all the phone calls he wants (to allow his minions to actually give him the answer), but he must necessarily be held until the Committee re-convenes, to hear his answer and apology.
    This version of the power to find contempt, is the original power and to a certain extent conflicts with statutory procedures. But since it is an inherent power and within Congress, Scotus would (again) find it constitutional.

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