Daily Reminder

Inspired by this meme:

…I asked the question:  “Never mind 50 years ago.  How about 60 years ago?”

So here’s the first of such considerations:

Monday – Friday for the next two weeks…

Classic Beauty: Peggy Cummins

Baby-faced (literally:  she appeared in her first movie at age 13) Irish actress Peggy Cummins was often turned down for movie roles because she was too young.  (Nowadays, of course, she’d be Polanski-bait.)  But enough of that;  here’s a sample:

Gun Crazy (she wasn’t — that was just the name of her most famous movie).

Bygone Broads 8

Some have you may have been wondering what kind of posters I had hanging in my dorm room back at Hogwarts St. John’s College.  Wonder no more (right-click to embiggen) — behold the Austin Healey Mk III from the late 1960s:

And for the Healey’s companion on the wall over my bed, the exquisite Claudia Cardinale:

I still feel stirrings, all these years later, on both accounts.  A fitting end, I think, to this series.