News Roundup

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From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:

...of course they are.  As long as you can produce some, you know, proof of your assertion, you malevolent troll.

...yeah, petty reasons like escaping grinding poverty, bloody civil wars and Muslim barbarism just can’t compete.

...are we sure it’s not that pesky climate change’s fault?

...fantasy, meet reality.  Pretty, innit?

And for the next such meeting, watch this development:

...this “reimagining” will work out not as hoped for by people named Gavin Newsom, but precisely as expected by the Reality-Based Community.

And in Entertainment News:

...not that anyone can actually afford Disneyland’s prices anymore anyway.

From the Heart Of Stone Chronicles:

...okay, you can all quit that derisive laughter now. to sum up:  telling the truth is now a terrorist crime?  Got it.

...which would be nice, except that then you have to live among Swiss people.

...I think Biden needs to suffer a lot more, on a more profound and elemental levelRelated:

When you ask ChatGPT to create a photo of a bitter socialist eco-warrior activist with an Ivy League degree and possible lesbian tendencies, this is probably what you’ll get:

…and… I the only one who thinks that there’s so much wrong with both these situations?

And from the Dept. Of Corporate Fascism:

...the “opposition” did not include whipping, defenestration, tar & feathers or heads on pikes, but it should have.



And finally:

...keyword:  Germany.

However, this being Germany, there’s also a greater-than-zero chance of this:

And that’s it for the news.

I Stand Corrected

I love my Readers.

In response to this little comment of mine in the last News Roundup:

From the Dept. Of “Defense”:

...if I were a donor, I’d also hold off till they rename it the “Robert E. Lee Military Institute”.

…Reader Mike S. suggests via email:

I am second to none in my respect for General Lee (I’ve a framed print of him in my library), but VMI should be renamed “Thomas J. Jackson Military Institute.”

Gen. Jackson was a professor at the Institute before the Late Unpleasantness.

Gen. Lee was a graduate and later the commandant of West Point. THAT facility should be renamed for Lee.

All good points.  However, most people (especially the Racial Grievance Industry) probably have no idea of who Thomas J. Jackson was (maybe unless “Stonewall” is included in the nomenclature), but every damn one of them knows about Marse Robert.

So historically I’m in full agreement with Reader Mike;  but in terms of social impact on the Wokists…?

It’s a tough call.


Sheesh, if this story is true…

Oklahoma high school cheer coach Jennifer Hawkins, 45, was arrested for allegedly having sex with her daughter’s 16-year-old ex-boyfriend more than 300 times.

…okay, that was over five times a month, every month, for five years.  I know some married couples who haven’t reached a number anything like that in the same time-frame.

Ah, to be young and vigorous again.  It’s like a modern-day Summer Of 42, really — except that this lasted somewhat longer than Hermie’s one-nighter.

And don’t hit me with that “if the genders were reversed” nonsense.  It’s only when she started getting greedy that the kid got nervous.

I’m just chuckling over the kid boffing both the daughter and the mommy.  As a wise dude once said:

But I have to say, the Oklahoma Jennifer Hawkins doesn’t look like that Jennifer Hawkins.

In the latter case, the total could have gone from three hundred to three thousand, easily.