
Here’s a nice little tribute piece about the Buck 110 folder.

I’ve always loved Buck knives — pretty much of any type or description — and I sometimes wonder why I don’t own more than one, a Buck 500 Gent (now called the “Duke”), which has been a constant companion for over forty years.

That 110 is calling me — drop point blade, ebony grip plus brass caps… what’s not to like?

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“Dear Dr. Kim”

“Dear Dr. Kim:

“I’m feeling distraught and jealous after my boyfriend slept with his terminally ill female friend as her ‘final wish’. The jealously is eating me up but I can’t express it as she’s dead anyway. I’d been with my partner for three years, and to make matters worse, he didn’t tell me about it straight away for fear of getting dumped.

“While on a group holiday, a mutual friend revealed my partner had cheated on me,  and I’ve been struggling emotionally ever since — particularly because his friend passed away not long afterwards.

“I’m confident that he was never attracted to her, and that they had never had a relationship beyond that, but I suspect she’d always had a secret crush on him. They totally had emotional sex because of her condition.  I don’t even know who initiated it.  It was probably something like how she didn’t want to die a virgin.

“I approached my boyfriend about it following advice I received from fellow forum-users, and he said he’d regretted it immediately.  He didn’t tell me because he didn’t know how I’d react and was afraid that I’d dump him.  He didn’t want to hurt me.

“We’ve had an otherwise perfect relationship, but he’s been struggling in the wake of his friend’s death.

“I hate myself because I get angry inside whenever he mentions her.  I can’t express my jealousy because she’s dead anyway.  This jealousy is eating me up.

“Dr. Kim, how can I deal with this?”

Dead Jealous, UK

Dear Jealous:

Here’s a question you need to ask yourself (and be honest):  if your guy had asked you if he could grant his friend her dying wish by having sex with her, would you have said yes?

If so, then you have no reason at all for your jealousy.  Of course, you can get pissed off that he didn’t ask you first — it’s not an unreasonable ask — but from his reaction now, I suspect that he feared that you might dump him even for asking.

Which is the second question you need to ask yourself:  would you have dumped him if he’d asked first?  The fact that you’re jealous of a dead woman makes me suspect that you would have — and given that he seems to love you, his rationale for not asking is probably sound.

Here’s a parallel thought.  What if the sick girl had begged your boyfriend to take her to some place she’d never been to before — e.g. Paris — and just the two of them, without you.  Would you be equally jealous now?  And if he hadn’t told you about the trip until after you’d found out, would you be equally angry?

I know, a trip to Paris isn’t the same as sex — not the least because the trip would last longer, and be more expensive than a “final wish bonk” — but the principle is the same:  a friend’s dying wish was granted that you weren’t consulted about.

Frankly, I think you need to get over yourself and your jealousy.  What your guy did was not wrong — by the way, we’d be having a different discussion if you and he were married — and the shades of morality we have here would make this an interesting topic in a university Philosophical Ethics class.

The real question is:  are you ever going to forgive him, and trust that he won’t do anything like this again?  If you do, you have to agree never to bring up the topic again, no matter what the circumstances.  Accept that it happened, his motives were good, and get on with it.

If not, you need to walk away now.  And if I’m to be blunt,if you continue to harp on this and not forgive him, he would be well rid of your jealousy.  Of a dead woman.


News Roundup

And into the carnage we dive:

...if by “trials”, Sarah means “mass hangings”, then I agree.

...using Commie money to bail out failed Commie regimes — sounds about right.  And right on cue:

...and speaking of failures:

...not included:  listening to anything that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says.

And in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© news:

...of course, Africa collectively contributes nothing to the “problem” [/sarc], but that won’t stop them from hustling to get more money from Whitey.

...just another entry in the Climate Lies Journal.

And speaking of that thing:

...yet another example of “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

...I dunno;  I would say that vodka is a more essential part of the “college experience” than 90% of professors, and just behind condoms.

...actually, for any nation’s crime.

...key word:  Canada.  (Okay, India.  Fooled you there for a minute though, huh?)

...whatever punishment she suggests, under the Equal Protection Clause it should be inflicted on 99% of women.

...one might say the same thing about having a conversation with women.

...nice to know that it’s not only Murkins and Brits who can be “asshole tourists”.



...why anyone should be interested in this fat old tart’s sexual preferences is beyond me.

By the way, if you know what she looks like, you’ll have this reaction to a visual of her in “reverse cowgirl”:

Finally, a heartfelt “Welcome back!” to Paige Three News:

...share it with us, baby:

I think we can end the slaughter there.

Yes, Virginia

your Democrat politicians are assholes.  To wit:

In one of the biggest stories of 2021 and one that likely helped sweep Republicans into power in Virginia, Scott Smith’s daughter was raped in the girl’s bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. The Loudoun County school board, which had been pushing a then-new rule allowing “transgender” students to use the bathroom of their choice, sought to cover up the rape at multiple levels. 

Those motivations were confirmed by a grand jury report which revealed officials ignored multiple warning signs and didn’t expel the rapist over fears of transphobia.

Despite those extreme circumstances, Smith was still charged by the local prosecutor with disorderly conduct after he was arrested at a 2021 Loudoun County school board meeting. His crime was attempting to speak out in support of his daughter after the school board declared an unlawful assembly. 

Fortunately, VAGov Youngkin (R) was sensible enough to pardon Scott Smith for this egregious bullshit charge, whereupon the Usual Suspects — that would be DA Buta Biberaj (D) and some other DA (double asswipe) — have had a teenager-type hissy fit.

Which should tell us all exactly what kind of people they are, as if we didn’t know already.  I see that the foul slag Biberaj is seeking reelection.  Reelection?  How about:

And a big attaboy to Glenn Youngkin for doing the right thing.