Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

From Houston:

At around 3:30 a.m. on Saturday, the unnamed homeowner was alerted by his Ring surveillance system that two men were attempting to break into his garage. The camera footage revealed two individuals with backpacks walking into his garage and shortly after, they were seen walking away with a box of tools. The homeowner, who had armed himself, approached the suspects to order them to leave his property.

A deadly shootout transpired when one of the suspects drew a weapon and started firing, hitting the homeowner in the leg. The resident returned fire, hitting one of the suspects multiple times.

Then, the good news:

The Houston Police Department noted that the injured suspect fled through the broken fence and was found at a nearby stairwell. Despite the arrival of first responders and immediate transportation to the hospital, the suspect succumbed to his injuries.

One less candidate for the “official” justice system.

The only sour note is that Choirboy #2 managed to escape with his life.  Next time for the win, we can only hope.

Equitable Income

The feministicals are always talking the “income disparity” or “wage gap” between men and women — i.e. that men are paid more than women for doing the same job.  (It’s bullshit, of course, but run with me on this one.)

Well, that’s not true of all jobs.

Let’s take… oh, OnlyFans for example.  Here’s an example (sent by Reader Mike L, thankee)  of how a fairly plain-looking woman was able to pay for her roof repairs simply by posting a few saucy pics of herself on said roof (sample pic below).

Now I don’t have a garage roof needing repair, but had I gone to OnlyFans and posted a few pics of myself in a bathing suit on top of a roof, does anyone think that I could have raised $10,000 — or, for that matter, 10,000 cents, even?

(me looking all Afrikaans, with sjambok*)

I think it’s unfair that women should have access to this kind of disparate income opportunity and men don’t, so I call on the federal government to pass laws to ensure the equalization of income between men and women on websites such as OnlyFans.

Fairness in all things, right?

*And I apologize for any feelings of extreme nausea caused  by the second pic.

Long Time Coming

I’ve always maintained that it’s an injustice for someone to lose their Second Amendment rights because of a criminal record imposed by the commission of a non-violent crime.  By all means, deny the Second to recently-paroled armed robbers and the like — but for non-violent offenses like forgery or tax evasion?  No.

Seems as though some judges are coming to the same conclusion.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held this week in Range v. Garland that the government cannot disarm people convicted of minor, nonviolent offenses.

Unless I miss my guess, this is headed straight for the Supremes — and they’d better get it right.

Monday Funnies

For some reason, that pic made me think of the Gummint.  Hence the following:


From the despairing New Wife:

And after all that:

Now hand me that can-opener and get on with your day.

Update:  From ever-alert Reader and former Army CPT David B. comes this note:

“Just a heads-up. On the lovely ladies in body armor, you indicated you wanted a can opener. My belief is that those are military uniforms, so a P-38 can opener would be the prescribed tool.”

Bygone Broads 7

In this, the penultimate of the series for now, we look at another two examples of teenage boys’ boner-starters of a bygone era.  First, the 1965 Ford Shelby Mustang GT 350:

…and as their contemporaneous companion piece, so to speak, the pouty Brigitte Bardot:


What a pair.